And I believe, with good reason, that reason being I've met you many times and know what you look like, that you're not.
My avatar is what I got called at work based on my remarkable likeness. Beautiful long hair. Tash, chiseled chin. (Large actually) and stunning blue eyes. 35 yrs ago. now I look like mrs Brown I'm told. Ah well. . Bugger off Jud.
Captain Hook was my World Book Day outfit this year. We have a special school on site and one little lad (unbeknownst to me beforehand) LOVES Hook. He got so excited when he saw us (I was Hook and my colleagues were Peter Pan and Tick Tock) he chose to remove himself from the library for ten minutes to calm down. He then attempted to come back in, saw the desk we’d transformed into a ship and said ‘I’m not ready yet’ and went back out for another five minutes where I could hear him laughing and whooping. He then came back in, shook my hand and tried my hat on. Best day ever.