Keith's piece on Facebook was as gracious and dignified as it's possible to be. Many posts on this forum regarding what's happened have been anything but, and he sort of gets associated with that. That's the thing I don't like. Not yours, I was just responding to you as you were making valid points.
I don't think he was employed or they would have made him redundant wouldn't they? He works for the post office full-time. I think it could have been handled much better after 22 years of service, but we don't know what the reasons are or if the club offered a fitting send off. Maybe they needed someone that could do more than match days/part time, for instance? It's all about the social media content these days. He said he understood the reasons on his Facebook post which was very classy (like himself).
Answers it all really. If theres a stick to hit the club with. Some will do. At every opportunity. We almost all. to a man/woman knew Kieth and maybe he wanted to post his thoughts. He may be embarrassed at some of the stuff. 1. He wasn't sacked. 2. If I asked him if the club had been in touch since. And he said no. It's just a response. Not I can read into anything that might not be there. I left YW and the last thing I would have done is left kind words to the company itself. You think it's run badly with the latest news. You dont know the half of it.
Fans are pissed off with it. If they explain their own side maybe people would see the situation more from both sides rather it looking like they have got shut of someone popular.
It was more of a rhetorical question in the hope that the OP would change his post and not claim a well known, well liked and well respected guy had been sacked. I don't know if the club could have handled it better as I don't know what happened. The only thing in the public domain is Keith's statement and it is, as you have already stated, extremely classy.
I'm not sure. That's why I said if he didn't want them to use the images in a farewell montage (if he does indeed own the rights), then they could have still put a few words out.
Err no, not all fans are peed off with it. Why should they have to explain this to us ?. Its none of my/our business, and it should be kept between the club and the man himself.. in private!!.
That seems like word salad to me. He's no longer the official club photographer whether he was freelance or not, so effectively sacked.
The club. Imo. If you hire a photographer for your wedding and pay them for your photos. They are yours not theirs. And can do whatever you like with em. It'll be same with the Chronicle. Edit. Re the above, apparently not so. See my last paragraph. And I suppose we are all breaching copyright in copying images. Without permission. Generally speaking, the copyright belongs to the person who created the image – in the case of a photograph the person who took it (i.e. the photographer.) There are some exceptions to this – for example if the photographer is an employee (for example in a large studio) the copyright belongs to their employer. There is something that is called usage rights. Which can be agreed. In such as wedding photos..
Said as much in the huge thread about it the other week and I got a lot of criticism on here for daring to defend the club. Some of the comments on this forum demanding explanations were nothing short of embarrassing.
I get that but honestly the over reaction on here to the club's decision on this issue was nothing short of embarrassing. People need to get a grip.
My take on it is that i have absolutely no idea how well they have communicated this to stretch so I can't really comment. I think they should really have put out a statement thanking him for his work and long service just like they would if any member of the coaching staff or player left who frankly are, in most cases, far less deserving of a thankyou. But again I don't know if stretch has asked them not to do this or anything like that so my opinion goes as far as I think it would have been the right thing to do personally. What does annoy my about it all and where I think the club is bang out of order is that they make all these claims of being a community club who cares etc and then they discard a long serving member of the club without a second thought. They can't have it both ways, they're either a caring club with family and community at the heart or they're a hard nosed business with no feelings. If it's the former they should act in a manner befitting the claim, if it's the latter they need to be more honest and stop marketing themselves as something they're not.
Do you honestly think. thanking him publicly would have stopped the abuse. Not on your Nellie. . Reaction would have been exactly the same. The reason why. was a matter between the club and Kieth. Not for public scrutiny.
No I don't. I just personally think it would have been a nice thing to do. We publicly thank people like Josh Martin who took the piss for a few months but can't do the same for someone who has helped make memories for over 20 years. But it's just my personal opinion and like I said I have no idea if stretch even would have wanted that. The main focus of my post was that they should either be a family friendly, community close knit club or they should be a faceless uncaring business. They can't pretend to be one but act like the other.