That’s a great one too. I wouldn’t mind being Welsh or Scottish or Irish.? I saw them at Glastonbury 98, they absolutely smashed it. The production could be a bit pedestrian at times, but Cerys’ voice set them apart from everyone else.. what an amazing singer. They should have done more, once she got sober. But maybe it’s better to go out on top? I wouldn’t know..
Yes but he might have known her before. I’ll have to rewatch 1 & 2. It’s been at least six months since I last indulged so some of the little details fade
Yes, I used to feel like that. On a school trip to Cornwall as a teen, I stood up on a rowing boat in the middle of a lake and ceremoniously unfurled a Welsh flag I'd bought earlier that day from a gift shop. One of my school band members chirped up, 'what's tha bowt that for?' He couldn't understand my obsession with the Manics and Catatonia and thought I was a weirdo I kept getting the flag out that holiday just to annoy him.
Bostin Steve Austin, as they say in the Black Country. I was in a couple of Brummie bands. I learned the lingo.. That’s me at the back freezing my balls off. About 30 years ago..
No point watching it on tv channels any more because they cut so much of it. Completely spoils it cutting out fairly innocuous language, especially considering that anything goes on newer programmes broadcast. I've had the DVDs for a while of Series 1, 2 and 3 but still looking for the other ones in every charity shop I visit. I suppose I could just buy the others full price somewhere but you never know what you can find for a couple of pounds
I have the first 2 on dvd. That stripper scene must be cut? I can’t believe they got away with that in 1985..? I wasn’t even old enough to vote or drink. My innocent eyes.?!! .
I'm a member of a couple of AWP groups on Facebook and it's incredible how argumentative people are about the merits, or not, of everything after Series 2. While some (like me) just appreciate the fantastic acting and production values (especially 3 where they take down the Transporter Bridge) plenty more say they are rubbish and should never have been made. Can't understand views like that. Some people just can't appreciate good programmes when they see them. It's a bit like what we see on here with opinions 180 degrees apart some times
You've Got a Lot to Answer For was a floor filler at indie discos in Leeds at the time. Not a bad tune TBH.