Is there enough pages in the Chronicle to fit in a letter with all the questions and points people would be interested about?
The 'big announcement' would be more welcome ........ An open letter implies nothing more than a rallying call.
Look forward to their announcement that they'll all be catching the bus from Wentworth instead of being driven to the ground.
I need to know nothing more from the powers that be, beyond confirmation that they've sent the dude who came up with "Winning is being Barnsley" back to Silly lovely person Valley USA. Whining is being Barnsley, as this post in particular and this board in general aptly demonstrate.
There will be plenty wanting to make it up for yer. I can feel the hairs standing up on others necks in anticipation lol. Some of em will not sleep. Are we running a sweep for time of first gripe.
Interesting that you seem to think it's come from an American when there's no Americans on the board or that work for the club in any way as far as I know. Not sure where this "we're run by Americans" or "We're turning American" has come from, but it's weird
Dunt buy Chronicle after the Nigel Farage front page which I emailed the editor about. After receiving a reply which basically said 'we got paid a lot' I decided not to buy it ever again till there's an apology and a commitment to genuine stories in the right place and political adverts in theirs. I nearly sent an email saying I was a very wealthy paedophile and would like to buy the front page to extol the virtues of paedophilia as obviously they would make a lot of money (same logic they applied). I decided not to as a) I'm skint b) I'm not a paedophile and c) I dont like lying. So, to cut a long story short I'll have to read abart it on here.
I'm guessing it will be summat on the lines of "we're working our b0llocks off, we're not Man City, not everything in life always goes according to plan"
My guess is that the the board are going to give their responses to some of the issues this summer and look ahead to next season.