There should be a cheaper "upgrade" pricing option for folk who already have a season ticket. If they want to go into Rimmington's now they have to pay for the match twice in effect.
I actually think this is a good idea and reasonably priced. It's just really badly marketed. Glossing over the fact that, as @Mido pointed out, it reads like it was written by Alan Partridge, it's not even obvious what the product is. They're selling match tickets. Executive match tickets with plush seats in the East Upper and access to a new bar/lounge/café before and after the game. And during if you so wish. Best seats in the house, nice place to buy food and beer, a more upmarket experience than a pie and a pint and being freezing cold. Come and make a day of it, treat yourself on your birthday and bring your mates, or bring your business associates. Far more refined than the usual match day experience but at a fraction of the cost of an executive box. Not something that would appeal to me regularly, but it would for special occasions and somewhere to take Barnsley fans who don't get here often as they live away.
Yep. Decent product, needs explaining. I wanna see what the place looks like. What's the menu? What ale? How much? How long do I get in there? What about chucking a car parking space in too? I'm a ST holder, can I upgrade? Can I rock up on the day?
"With adults priced at just £45 plus VAT, guests are greeted by a welcoming ambiance and lounge with modern decorum" Never met a room with good etiquette before. Although, modern decorum might not be as polite as traditional decorum. It might tell you to f right off.
I agree, I read it but didn’t really understand what it was. All it did was leave me with questions but no desire to actually email and find out the answers.
Does the £45 include the meal and the drinks? Otherwise it's just more expense for nothing. It's £19 over the matchday price and £14 over the Rimming bar price. Will I get rimmed for the extra £14.
I find the +VAT thing weird, very American. Just state the full price. Also, it's not clear to me if it does include the matchday ticket, does it? If it does, what if you're an ST holder, do you get some money knocked off? Very unclear from the wording.
Yeah I've paid £26 for my ticket and if I want can buy a Rimmington's bar pass for a fiver. So that would be £31. So what do you get by just paying the £45 plus VAT or £50.
I don’t think you can buy a bar pass for a fiver anymore, I think this replaces that. I’m not sure though because the article was very light on details.
It says it's an upgrade from 'sitting in the stands' (again, poorly worded), so I assume you pay the £45 (+VAT) on top of your ticket to not sit in the stands (or in a pub in town, or in the fanzone) so you can drink and eat in comfort before taking your seat... in the stands. I could imagine this on an English gcse question: what does this article mean to you, and how can it be improved, for clarity? Or Maths: if Stephen paid £26 for his matchday ticket, +£45 entry to Rimmingtons bar, +20% VAT, + 1× bovril (£1.50) at half time, how much will Stephen pay in total?
I think it does include the ticket. It seems to be that you can either buy a normal match day ticket or a Rimmington’s one which is the same as buying a normal ticket + paying the fiver in the past (but now more money as demand was high but you get a fancier seat too). What’s not obvious is what season ticket holders do if they want a fancier experience. Do you have to buy a new, more expensive ticket, and just ignore that you’ve already got one, or can you pay to upgrade? It would lose the club money if ST holders could upgrade as then they don’t get to sell a new ticket but it’s poor if ST holders are excluded from it because they are such big fans they already bought upfront. Also, it’s a shame because Rimmington’s was popular with ST holders last year but it now seems like the option has gone without upgrading your ticket (or buying a new one if that’s not allowed) when you might just want a warm room, not to change seats.
The line ‘With adult tickets priced at just £45 plus VAT’ makes me think it must include the match day ticket otherwise it should say ‘entry to the lounge for adults is priced at £45 plus VAT’.
Your guess is as good as mine. A simple breakdown of 'this is the price and it includes' would clear things up No disrespect to the writer, but when it comes to cold hard cash, we don't need to know the ambience of the room and the delicate, skillful fingers of the chef - we just need to know how much it is, and what we're getting.