Is this a joke or genuine? I find these techno advances that combine with untrustworthy social media so confusing at my age. And the sight of a quick pint down the "Well seduces me more than the prospect of an incoming decent striker.
I had to google it….. A circular magnet that opens once on the machine and snaps shut as soon as it’s lifted… don’t stick your finger in the bottom.
The disposable plastic glasses for this cost about 40-50p each and it won’t have been cheap to install so I can imagine they have increased prices with that in mind. How much was a pint in the ground last year though? Wasn’t that cheap as I recall? (Only had a pint on a few occasions, I’m in the east upper and they have bottles up there).
I’m not convinced this will reduce the queues, the service is appalling nothing to do with how fast the beer pours.
I won’t post it in here because the jokers will ruin their mates pints, and mood. If you’re in a silly mood, you can poke the bottom of your mates pint and he’ll get wet feet. Ooopps. It’s slipped.
Yes, genuine. Was brought up at the fans forum. I Just wasn't sure it would be in place for the first game. Will improve the distribution time wise, a lot quicker. so long as the staff are well organised.
Is it just a quicker gimmicky pint pulling gizmo then, that still needs a barperson to do the necessary for you?
The time it takes to fill is a fraction of a normal pour. Can't say I'm fond of the thought of the idea. And tbh it's as rare as rocking horse xxxx that I buy at home games. As I tend to drive to em.