No problem with this, but they need to start with the away ends. I also expect to see it being implemented strongest in the PL, where they absolutely take the pi$$
All ages do it. Everyone should stop. Grown ups should know better and stewards/parents should stop young kids during the game standing by the front wall when they have a seat.
That's fair enough IMO though it would be nice to hear from the Club if they have any long term aspirations to improve the spectator choice/experience by introducing standing areas.
This now seems to be a vendetta against football fans, no matter who or where. Just ban us all and have done.
But just add...... 'ensure you still pay extortionate ticket prices and massively over priced food and drink prices'
Not being able to sit in a seat I have paid for at away games, puts me off going to support the Reds away. This is less of a problem in League 1 where at some stadia there is a choice to stand or sit. Unfortunately this does not apply at Bristol Rovers where the choice is stand or stand.
3 hours ago khaled posted about wanting to make oakwell a wall of noise, 3 hours later the club post about threatening closure of the stands if constant standing continues…..make your minds up……will the singing section go ahead
Don't really think this is a problem at Oakwell. The ones who want to stand at the corner stand side of the Ponty can do so without upsetting anyone else. As for away games, from what I've seen on tv footage I'd say that percentage wise we have the least number of fans who stand at games in the entire country. It now seems a given nationwide that all away fans stand up.