I still have the same irrational optimism and excitement as ever. As I've got older I pretty much switch off from football during the close season, enjoy the outdoors and family time, and then start looking forward to the season once The Open golf has finished. Matchdays have become far more than being about just the football. Looking forward to catching up and talking nonsense with the folk around us in the Ponty End who've become good friends over the years. We agree, disagree, argue, laugh over every 90 minutes and then come back and do the same at the next game. We were a third division club when I first started supporting us, the level we play at doesn't influence my support as such. I'm frustrated with some of what's happened over the summer, and over several years being honest, but for a couple of hours every Saturday/Tuesday all I can do is get behind whichever eleven players are on the pitch, no different tomorrow. I've no idea what to expect this season, but as ever I think we need to give our players and coach the first ten games and then see where we are. There are clearly challenges on and off the pitch which I know very little about and can't influence, but I'm as ready as I ever have been to get behind them. COYR.
It's the opposite for me. I used to love matchdays but because of our owners actions since Patrick died it has become a horrible experience. Getting to the ground has become a nightmare, getting away from the ground even more so. The stadium has been allowed to decay at a rate even Patrick never managed. Toby tyke is no longer front and centre on the pitch. The theme tune has been absolutely ruined. Half time entertainment is zilch. But the main problem? People who I've known for years have been driven away. It's no longer a nice experience with a football match in the middle, it's now a 90 minute match surrounded by ****
I'd deliberately avoided mentioning the journey to the ground and car park!! Understand much of what you say, my matchday routine has never really included much time at the ground other than the match itself so not really something that has an influence on me, but I understand and respect how it does for others. Let's hope we're both smiling at 4.55pm tomorrow. Or 5.15 if the added time is anything like how it's added up at tonights match.
I feel very similar; can’t wait for the match tomorrow even though it could be a bore draw or a loss as the hope at the start of the season is always there. I support those 11 players and manager with every fibre. We always feel like the underdog and I want us to show everybody that we count. COYR!
Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow mate. As usual it’s been an interesting preseason to say the least
My 56th season & i`m still getting giddy about tomorrow as if it was my first match.Win lose or draw,i`ve never let a result ruin my day to day life.
The actual match is often the bit I enjoy the least But a lot of the other stuff you mention doesn't really hinder my matchday experience fortunately.
Is the verandah behind the Dove still cordoned off? We've stood out there having a pint before the match come rain or shine, autumn, winter and spring, one away fan or dozens, for years. It took something away from "the match day experience" towards the end of last season when it was condemed.
Agree Andy but it’s not 90 mins now, it will be 105-115 depending if they are accounting for kiosk staff making 30 second pints into 30 mins
I really don't like football any more, I can't watch a PL or Champions league game like I used to. I even struggle to get enthusiastic about England games. But Barnsley games are different....
My attention span is crap and I'll no doubt leave early and go to Mount lol. However, when the build up music comes on and the players walk out I'll have the same hairs on the back of my neck standing up and lump in my throat I always get. There's something magical about Oakwell and that's why I'll always come back.
Great post and I'm jealous of those that can easily make the journey to Oakwell today. Every season is a step into the unknown but I believe we have the ingredients for another good campaign. I'm sure the team - like last time - will change and progress as the season matures which makes for an interesting and exciting watch. As you say, there are a lot of things outside our control so I hope we - as supporters - can focus on what we can control and that is creating a positive atmosphere and support the players on this journey. Sometimes, in challenging times, we have to rise above the mediocrity and be the inspiration and show the players and club what it means to be Barnsley and hopefully they can respond accordingly. I will be patiently waiting for Wigan away for my first live experience this season but in the meantime will be cheering us loudly from the living room. You Reds.