I'm having shepherd's pie, string beans and onion gravy. And now the weather It's pissing down. Good evening.
Don’t like lamb so I don’t envy you sorry. Had you been having Cottage pie then we’re talking. Anyways Bon Apetite or summert
I love lamb, there's a farm shop near where I'm working at Hade Edge, Flowery Fields it's called, I bought 2 lamb steaks there and what a treat.
Cold Bath Brewery in Harrogate for some lovely local ale, followed by a curry, perfect day really. You bloody Reds, what a team!
I'm on for a take away again tonight, hhmmm what to have ehh, the agony of choice lol. I think I might have some Rat au van (rat that's been run over by a van lol), with chips and garlic sauce.