He certainly played it by the new book of rules, except when it came to our players. Not one dirty foul and he books eight, six in red. Ludicrous and his inconsistency was just a continuation of what we see every game.
I like the idea of what they are trying to do by keeping the game flowing and stopping players interfering with quick restarts. It was the first game of the new rules, and as they rely on the refs discretion, I think we will see big differences between games. I expect the issuing of yellow cards and the time added on to settle down, as refs become used to the new rules. My only criticism of the new rules today, is the same criticism I had last season of the old rules, which is the referee was woefully indiscriminate and biased.
I’m sorry but moaning about the ref today is ridiculous. They could’ve quite easily had a pen at 0-0 today when Kitching fouled their lad in the box.
Not only was 10 minutes a stupid amount to add on to a 6-0 game (even with the new rules) he then compounded his total lack of common sense by adding a further two minutes to the ten.
But people are moaning about him as if he was biased against us. The big game changing decision went in our favour.
Just my opinion. The new rules are there because of time wasting tactics. Faked injuries. Etc. The guidelines are now clearer for when the watch stops. You are now getting a more accurate additional time. Reducing the game to 40 minutes only takes us back to where we were b4. I'd actually prefer a 30-35 minute game where every time the ball is not in play the watch stops. That would be more accurate and in line with the estimate the ball is actually in play. Which I believe is around the figures I've quoted. The stadium clock could be tuned in to the officials timekeeping and make it absolutely clear to the fans the position .
I totally agree with it in principle, I just don’t understand the logic of how cutting the game by 5 minutes takes you back to where we were before? Surely if the rules are in place, we end up in the same place? the game just seems far too long at 107 minutes. I think it will lead to a slower game as players tire , with more subs causing disruption to flow agree on the 30/35 min point - I think we are perhaps saying the same thing
How so. There was another injury during the ten I reckon. he got it about right. The score is totally irrelevant. We boo players for time wasting by whatever means (and I don't mean while the ball is in play.) Yet complain when the rules are clearer for referees.
Just the view that we are letting players carry on as normal. And actually leading to less game time. Putting us back to where we were initially. With 96 minute games say. These new rules are giving the fans what we all want. is a more accurate. if not foolproof game time. In the days when I started watching barnsley the playacting was minimal. Then came along the foreign legion. Who had/have it down to a fine art. Then some/lots of our own British players followed suit. I think some of the incidents yesterday would have been better solved by making players get treated on the touchline. ( tongue in cheek. I'd have stretchers at the ready to whip em off the field) in rugby league players are treated while the game is still running. I know it would be impossible in football. But there is nothing more frustrating than play being stopped by pandering to a player at the other end of the pitch staying down for the ref to stop play when the opposition are on the attack. Hate it with a passion.
Interesting stats. It was around 60 many years ago. Leading to my previous post on the foriegn legion. That brought timewasting to a fine art. Officials have become increasingly concerned with statistics that show how little the ball has been in play in professional matches in England, with averages last season of just 48 minutes in League Two, 50 minutes in League One, 52 minutes in the Championship and just under 55 minutes in the Premier League.
I don’t understand the folk wanting shorter halves. We pay good money to watch the games. They’re often the thing I’m looking forward to most each week. More than happy for them to play longer. Unless we’re getting pumped…
I think they may have to consider earlier kick off times for evening matches. Not good for the kids if matches are finishing at 10pm, and they aren't getting out of the car park until gone 1030.
During the 10 (or rather from the point the referee communicated 10 to his assistant) there was a booking for time wasting, another booking, an injury and a goal and he only added on an additional 40 or 50 seconds so there's no consistency there either