My Mrs does that with the bags. It drives me barmy. I said to her after the second time that I wouldn’t do the supermarket shop with her again, it’s just painful. She takes all day
Oh heck, is fine ... flipping heck isn't so bad either, it's more how Americans and British people who watch American tv that gets me.
A win win for you! Does she ever say why she doesn't just put the bags on the scale first?? I genuinely can't understand what anyone would voluntarily make a job twice as long as it needs to be!
Folk who go to effort of picking dog carp up only to throw the bag in a bush on the floor or near a full bin
The trouble with this is that unless you have a single flimsy carrier bag, it then makes you wait for an attendant to come and approve your bags which can take ages depending in when and where you are
It works in Morrisons if you put all your bags down before you touch the screen at all and then scan as normal, without mentioning a bag. It seems to just zero the scale when you scan the first item.