Everybody having a nice brexit? https://www.theguardian.com/environ...oea-in-sunderland-race?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
What a country. Dont think any of our rivers and most coastlines pass the criteria to swim in. The government are up to their necks in this (literally). They talk about the water companies as a third party but their in this together, lot a pension pots and MPs have shares in these water companies. Brexit brought about the deregulation (pretty much what brexit was all about) of the water industry, they can now pretty much pump what they want into the rivers and seas. Of course the govt will say we will fine em but thats chicken feed to the money they are saving just dumping ***** into the sea and rivers, and im convinced this is an upfront agreement anyway. The chemicals they need to help clean the waste is now much harder and more expensive do get from europe, so they just dump it. Its disgusting and should be stopped but whilst theres money to be made... it wont.
Not that it's any excuse, but it's not only a UK issue though... most of Europe dumps it's sewage into the rivers.. . You haven't been allowed to swim in the Seine for instance since before WW2. https://www.politico.eu/article/brussels-holds-its-nose-on-sewage-water-pollution-problem/ https://www.euronews.com/green/2021/09/04/swimming-in-sewage-how-can-we-fix-europe-s-smelly-rivers
Agreed... amongst the large population countries Germany is the best, they've really made great strides in treatment works, to some extent they do have a slight advantage in that much of the sewage network had to be rebuilt after being destroyed during the war. Their main problem (which is not huge) is mainly leakage from the older parts of the system rather than deliberate discharge.
If you read the article it's a special operation to make sure they don't spoil the Paris Olympics... Good that they're doing it but would the money have been spent other than for this particular event?... It also points out that it doesn't completely stop the problem, only reduces it.
Very pleased I didn't spend over £100 to enter the triathlon this year. Having studied in Sunderland the thought of swimming in that water wasn't appealing before hearing about how many athletes have ended up ill
For a start it meant that the UK didn't have enough chemicals to treat our sewage so the government allowed more dumping of raw sewage into our waterways
Well I know it’s not, sewage treatment is a biological process either by filtration or activated sludge the only chemical used is occasionally ferric sulphate to settle sludge or control H2S and polymer to help flocculation in the sludge thickening for disposal process and I know that’s made in Castleford and Bradford so not impacted by Brexit
Except for the fact that due to Brexit there weren't enough lorry drivers to deliver it meaning there was a massive shortage and so dumping was allowed.
It's more than just chemicals though, a friend is a senior engineer for Anglian Water, we had the conversation a few years ago mind... he was saying it was no good just treating it with things to kill the bugs and then discharge it, as that can kill the fish and damage the eco systems with longer term consequences than sewage, what was really needed were land based wetlands to pump onto, effectively flood plains for sewage.
Well here's a perfect opportunity for you to put us "remoaners" straight and highlight all the benefits it has brought...