People at the front of a queue, and usually with annoying kids running around as well. And who haven't decided yet what they are having, when they are being served.
People who pack their bags at the till. Put them in the trolley and f cuk off to the shelf to pack like normal people. People who chat to the check out member about inane carp too. You're just holding everyone up. Do one you boring arsehole.
Was once behind a bloke in Asda living down at cortonwood who was stood talking about all kinds of random crap to the checkout lady for what must have been genuinely 5 minutes after they'd finished getting served. Now this bloke looked, and I know you shouldn't judge or anything, a bit 'special'. I'm not really sure how to word that without being offensive but you know when you can look at someone and just get a feeling? Like we all look at Roy cropper and can just tell? Well he looked like that. So I was getting a little frustrated but every time the checkout lady looked over to me who she knew was waiting I just gave that polite fake smile that you do that says 'im not going to complain, carry on' while inside thinking bloody hell hurry up. Anyway the bloke left and as soon as I walked over she apologised to which I obviously said 'dont worry about it' because it's what you do isn't it. Then as she was scanning my bra's and panties that I wear on weekends, erm I mean my really masculine boxer shorts for the larger gentleman (actually it was some storage boxes I think) she started to explain that some of her customers are extremely lonely and she can tell when they just need to talk to someone so she lets them for a few minutes because a few minutes might seem a long annoying time to those in the queue but in reality it's literally 200 or 300 seconds of their life but to the person doing the talking it's their entire day. Suddenly I realised exactly what she meant. What's 5 minutes to me really? Sure it's annoying but it's 5 minutes. I spend longer than that shitting and it makes the difference to that lonely person between feeling welcomed, happy and valued as a person or being dismissed and spending yet another day feeling like nobody cares. So yeah it's frustrating when it happens but in reality it's actually pretty rare that we are stuck behind the chatterbox at the checkout so when it does happen just try to think about how that person's day has just been made a lot better rather than how yours has been mildly inconvenienced.
I dont think ought upsets me, apart from foookin retards at junctions or rarndabarts that sit there looking for things to prevent em from pulling out that arnt actually fooookin there, wanker5
The self serve checkouts at Aldi. Was at Goldthorpe on Saturday evening and "for quickness" went through the above. Twenty minutes later having fecked about with bags, items, discount stickers etc the one poor woman on full time aid at these machines was at screaming point. Everybody at every machine was having problems. She was as polite as could be but blaming management for all the mess. She said she had been doing this for 8 hours. Poor lass. I cannot imagine her and others frustration every day.
People that park right up against you in carparks, so much so they know they can't get out, but give you dirty looks as if it's you that's parked their car.
I take your point. The other side of this is motorists who clearly go through on red when the pedestrian has been waiting for the lights to change for 30 seconds in the pouring rain.
Especially elderly people. It might be the only human contact they have all day. I can understand that. I sometimes go days without speaking out loud, except to the dog. In the stupid dog voice..
Wannabes who use middle management buzz words to impress and think its the norm. Secondly ...the inconciderates who take mobiles into the gym and spend longer looking at stuff on their phones than they do actually using equipment (they know there are other wanting to use the stuff they are on).
Managerial buzzwords. I watched a "webinar" recently which was nothing to do with my industry. The guy presenting it could have been my director with all the crap he spoke, only substituting a couple of words to make it industry specific. It's almost like there is a upper management bible / script that they use.
Oh yea....and those people who do the same in a virtually empty car park (I park miles from anyone, to avoid idiots scratching or smashing their car door against yours.
I have to add this sorry. BFC total incompetence around organising carparking, access and egress at Oakwell. It is still boiling my piss. It requires simple traffic management with a little bit of thought and good signage and communication.