Be interesting to see what tact the tabloids use for showing the same amount of petulance as rooney and Beckham. Both were given pelters, it didn't cost England the game this time tho, so we'll see.
There's no one going to feel worse than the player themselves in this situation. Hopefully fans will recognise a mistake, as they should have done for Beckham and Rooney.
I'd call putting your stud on an opponents kidneys more than a mistake fired, it wasn't even a spontaneous heat of the moment thing
I've already seen people on social media, suggesting that she should "never play for England again". If I'd been judged by some of the brainless things I did when I was in my early 20's, I'd never have found anyone who'd employ me, marry me, and certainly not want to produce offspring with me. Luckily, the world doesn't work like that. It's just unfortunate for Lauren James that her missing brain cells moment happened in front of the whole world.
Further proof it it was needed that some people who post on social media should not be allowed near the internet
She shouldn't be vilified, it is what it is, like people have said she will be ashamed and sorry for letting her teammates down. It's just the media went to town on Beckham and rooney.
It was a stupid, stupid lack of thought and discipline. Could well have cost the match. She won't be the first or last however.
well I never said or thought that, she should be severely reprimanded though, for me that wasn’t a missing brain cell moment it was an act of entitled maliciousness. I can honestly say that I played for a lot of years and it never entered my mind to do something as sad as that, I always waited until they had the ball and then hit them hard.
People make mistakes and footballers are no exception. Given that she’s easily our best player I doubt this will hold her back too badly
I'm sure it hasn't escaped your notice that there are many daft people in the world. They especially like to make themselves known on social media.
I think things have moved on since the Beckham and Rooney incidents though. That wouldn’t happen in the same way now, thankfully! Hopefully James doesn’t get too much stick - she’s been brilliant this tournament
The England camp all seem to be rallying round her, which is good to see. Hopefully she serves her suspension, and that's the end of the matter.
It’s rather sad the number of men on Social Media going with the line that as women demand equal treatment she should get exactly the treatment Beckham and Rooney got
It was hardly premeditated. The Falcons had doubled up on her (easy, Dawson) & her frustration was obvious. But unlike Beckham, Lauren had committed the original foul. The rest was just stupid. It’s a shame because she’s out of the World Cup & might as well come home. If we really want equality, she’s going to have to take whatever flak is due. But let the female journos write it..