Fair enough - you are wrong of course but entitled to be so Sending her home in disgrace is probably not the best way to make her a better player in future, improve the morale of the team or change the way any other players react in the heat of a World Cup knockout game but it depends on what you hope to achieve.
It's a mandatory 1-match, but FIFA can extend it. Will be interesting to see if they do. Some of the calls for punishment, sending home in disgrace etc are crackers IMO. She's a young lass, who's had a single moment of madness. Hasn't got a nasty bone in her body. I'd be very disappointed, albeit not at all surprised, if FIFA extended the ban.
'Sugar' Ray Robinson would have been beaten by an amateur heavyweight. Does this mean he wasn't the greatest of all time?
You'll have to explain that one mate. 'Cos he wasn't by common consent the greatest of all time for a kick off.
Don't know the laws, so can't comment really. Can only comment on what I saw, which was someone momentarily standing on someone's ar$e for a split-second...and I'm assuming there's some kind of opinion involved on the severity of it, otherwise it would just be a fixed ban wouldn't it? We'll see.
I saw a mouse, where, there, a little mouse with cloggs on. Ohh and it was also waving a Nigerian scarf.
I got up at 5:00 to watch my recording, before moving onto the Australia game. I saw the first two penalties, which were both missed, before my DVR decided that would be an appropriate time to stop recording. I heard we'd won around the 4th minute of the Aussie game, when the commentator mentioned it, and saw the final penalty at half time of that game.
Lauren James is nowt but a thug. During the last game she completely lost her head too and threw a big hissy fit in the dugout. I'd send her home where she can't disrupt the rest of the squad with her clear behaviour problems
They conferred with the refereeing expert over here and they said it's a 2-game ban, although FIFA can look at it and increase it to 3.
It was, you're right. Was a complete overreaction to stamp on someone's back. Had she done that anywhere else she'd be in a cell so in my opinion she doesn't deserve to live it up at a world cup.