Danny Dee Da. The turd in sheep's clothing... OK, maybe not, would be good to add a bit of pantomime though...
That's why the other one would be his twin brother silly. Also what do you mean two Santa's? There's only one Santa isn't there? How can there be two in one room? Are you trying to tell me something that's going to upset me?
Yeah he as, he use to post on here until he tried to organise some sort of protest.. didn't get any support as I remember, not seen him since
This could be a Wwf style battle, which is the good Toby, and which is the bad one. This tinpot club lol isn't big enough for the both of us, one of us has got to leave!!. Then the lights go out... boing... Ohhh yeahhh... goodness me, its Paul Bearer!!.