what's the craic with em? Sold Ndaiye their best striker. Sander Berge (probably their best midfielder) going to Burnley. Their 4 signings they have brought in are 4 relatively unkown players 3 permanent and 1 loan. Has the Nigerian Prince stopped emailing them?
I would love be it, love it if they finished with a record low points total Has Hecky started moaning yet about the lack of investment or has he kept his trap shut?!
Hope they do well. Yorkshire Club and Hecky is a sound bloke. It’s well known they don’t have a lot to piss it. Hecky gave his transfer budget last season to improve the training pitches as it was one or the other.
Heckyar*se is already phoning his mate Lee Johnson, and asking for advice. Johnno was so surprised he nearly fell off the little bucket he has to stand on.
The best players they had last season were ndaiye, berger, McBurnie and the two loanees from man city. I think they will finish bottom.
If they start losing it will be everyone else's fault the board, the players, the players who went etc
They make our bank balance look like it belongs to the crown prince of Saudi Arabia They deep in the **** with the PL riches gone already
Thats great news and their fans deserve it. So how much is Olly McBurnsley going for in this window ehh ? lol.
Not even sure how they were so good last season. Their squad wasn't amazing and let's be fair, Hecky hadn't been fantastic in his post-Barnsley roles up to joining them. He's done very well there, appears he's gonna be left wanting when it comes to transfers though, like he was here.
Hecky'll not suck his thumb there it will be firmly up his bum trying to stop his arse from collapsing.
There squad was very good berger probably the best midfielder in the league did well to keep hold of him, ndayie quality player, mcburnie and the two loanees from man city were both class players who they did well to get and let's be honest the championship was a poor standard last season.
Look nailed on for the bottom spot at the moment. It’ll secure them financially for a few seasons but it’s going to be demoralising going to watch a side showing no ambition all season.
I'm looking forward to the weekly defeats for both Sheffield clubs, radio Deedah's going to be a gloomy place this year!!
Aye there’s a lot of pettiness around to be fair. I reserve all my spite for Leeds so want all other Yorkshire clubs to do well though I’m ambivalent about Wednesday who I’d prefer just not to exist.