Hoping someone can offer any kind of advice regarding the following myself and my ex jointly bought a dog 4 years ago. We paid half each and he lived with me for the first year of his life as she lived away for work. She would come and visit on weekends we then moved in together for a couple of years but broke up. since then we’ve had an arrangement of joint custody where we have him for 2 weeks then drop at parents. She has text me today to say she has sought legal advice and wont be returning the dog on Sunday as per usual and Will be assuming custody of him permanently, and to please stop sending payments (direct debit for my half of his insurance) now I’m not sure where I stand legally as I couldn’t tell you whose name dog was registered in, he is registered to her address and she has all the paperwork as I just didn’t think about this being a possibility when we split so it’s all at her house. I’m sure my name will be on the registration docs etc but doubt she’ll give them to me… Basically - what can I do ? I’m gutted.
Nothing . Only one of you owns him..She needs to pay you the rest of the money you spent on buying him though. Sorry she couldn't carry on sharing him though
It depends on who bought him (both of you), who he is registered to (check microchip, name at vets etc., it sounds like insurance is in her name) and who has looked after him the most (sounds like you). You could go to small claims court.
But a judge would still only be able to say one of you owns him. Any visitation would be between the two of you.
Its a dog not a child! You own a pet. But you're right a judge would decide who it belonged to and may well decide it is the OP.
You own a house but can be owned by multiple people. I have no idea how it works with a dog, but the concept of 2 people owning something jointly does exist
Uk law views a pet exactly same way as a car etc. To determine who has a right to keep them would need to go to a small claims court under the TORTS claim. Typically a judge would be expected to side on who can provide best care for the pet. The ex will have been told she can refuse to return and the OP will have to go to court but they have no more rights than each other based on the info in this thread.
All of you go to a park. Tell the dog to sit. Both you and your ex walk 15 yards in opposite directions then turn around and face the dog. At the same time both you and your ex call out the dog to come to you. Whoever the dog goes to wins. Simples.
A quick Web search reveals loads of solicitors firms offering advice on pet custody for those unable to resolve such affairs and for whom custody of a pet is important. 'Appen be costly, mind!
But if you can't agree who lived there when then a court would rule to force a sale. They wouldn't rule you stay in the house half the week the other owner the rest like you would with kids!
Licence to print money! But it does have to be agreed between the owners, a judge can't impose a visitation schedule.
A dog is classed as a possession. So all the legalities will surround proving who paid and paid on an ongoing basis
totally o/t - liked your joke about the Liebfraumilch - best joke on here for sometime - shared it with family who were equally appreciative.
Or she's got a new bloke whos a bit of a minger and she don't want you to see him and know that she's downgraded?
I don’t ‘own’ dogs. Just take care of them & accept the responsibilities.. This is an unfortunate situation though. The only way to resolve is through rational conversation..