Once went to a mates house. Chuffin great big dog. Jumping up at me. Pulling threads in mi new jumper. Mate saying get down every few seconds to the dog who was oblivious to his calls. Saying he's harmless. . I didnt know who to kick in the knackers first. Mi mate or the dog. And yes I've had dogs.
Can't be doing with them. Mum and Dad have a Belgian Malinoise they got during lock down. He hasn't been trained because they have a big garden and just let him run round the garden. It needs fussing and attention all the time and barks until he gets it. He's a spoilt brat of a dog and a nuisance. Jumps up on you and licks you to death every time he see's you. Mum and Dad have no control over him at all. When George stays. I have to put him in the bedroom upstairs as if we're living in our own little flat. I don't trust the dog not to traumatise him at all. The sooner I get my own place the better.
99.99% of dogs that are off the lead are friendly dogs if sometimes a bit boisterous but not dangerous. I also think dogs should be allowed to run off lead in big open spaces. It's cruel to keep them held back. It needs a sensible approach from both sides, I wouldn't let my dog off lead in busy congested areas with lots of people around but she has the right to run around big open fields, if another dog or person come around later after she's been let off then people need to accept that and deal with it in a sensible way, either avoid or engage. If anyone is afraid of dogs keep out of the way in the appropriate places and let the dogs enjoy themselves or more importantly try to socialise with dogs and dog owners to lessen the fear. As a dog owner I enjoy meeting other dog owners and making a fuss of their dogs if they run up to me, it's a real pleasure.
Probably, but if those circumstances are it being hit repeatedly or something then don’t do that to the dog and it won’t bite you. That’s like saying any human would murder someone, I mean sure if they were just about to murder someone you love and it was literally kill them or the one you love dies but that’s not a situation you expect to encounter at the park and if you did it’d be their own fault that they got hurt. Friendly, well trained dogs don’t go around randomly biting people so it’s a nonsense thing to say.
Unless its a breed that recall doesnt work in which case it should be on a lead I used to dog sit for a Malamute (sadly no longer with us) which was a lovely dog and very friendly though he looked quite scary if you were uncomfortable with large dogs that looked like a wolf, but its a running dog and you cant train them to recall so we almost always had it on an extended lead Ive also walked several labs collies and goldies - they dont need to be on a lead if well trained and they do have working recall. Most dog owners are responsible but there are a few that arent Once when out walking the Mally a large lurcher type dog came bounding up to us no owner in sight initially it just warily looked at ours and then ran round in circles for a bit by which time the owner had arrived - her first words were - oh I am surprised he hasnt attacked your dog - he doesnt like big fluffy dogs - almost on cue it lurched in full on attack mode and we had to pull them apart ( Mine was on a lead and I didnt want to let him go - no recall ) when I suggested attack dog should be on a lead if it randomly attacked other dogs you can guess the response
A lot of dog breeds require an off the lead run, it's cruel to prevent them doing this. My daughter was hit by a football accidentally at Cannon Hall a while back, so following your argument should we ban all ball games too.
Absolutely not, it pigs me off when the owners come out with stuff like, " its fine its friendly", I'm a dog owner but some folks just don't like them, saw a woman the other day she was practically paralysed with fear from a dog, and the owners calling it in the stupidest voice and calling it a good boy! Not withstanding the fact if its got **** recall it shouldn't have been off anyway! Personally I keep mine on his lead if others are about, he's friendly and decent at coming back but you can never know for sure. Apart from the human interaction bit they irritate me anyway when they can't see their animals, how do they know if its going to leave a dollop for somebody to tread in, especially in the woods where I go where parents take their kids to play!
As the owner of three very large dogs no it's not for several reasons no matter how friendly you think the dogs is 1 You run a greater risk of having your dog stolen or it getting lost. 2 Your dog maybe nice other people's may not and your dog could be attacked. 3 Not everybody likes other people's dogs and are possibly actually scared of them so it's a matter of respect for others. 4 If you don't want to lose your dog under the dangerous dogs act keep it on a lead under the legislation the dog does not have to bite a person to be considered dangerous it doesn't have to even act aggressively towards them it just needs to make them afraid or nervous or upset.
Not the same at all, you kick a football kicker shouts a warning and they can move, dog just adjusts and keeps coming, plus balls don't have teeth.
Ive just been walking on the Monsal Trail at Bakewell and a dog ran up and licked the back of my wife’s legs , the owners two women thought it hilarious and laughed and said ‘ oh he’s a leg kicker ‘ to which I replied ‘I go higher than that luv ‘ , they were decidedly unamused and my wife hit me . Now what’s worse letting your dog lick a strangers legs, off its leash or a harmless comment
We go to Locke Park (absolutely brilliant well-managed park.) - lots of dog owners there - am amazed at how well behaved dogs (and owners) are. All pooh being picked up and binned. I sort of envy the bond some owners obviously have with their dog and I have always been put off by the thought that any dog I might get - might reject me.
Yep. My Uncle had two female Rottweilers, when he was at home biggest softest lumps you would ever meet. The minute he went out the house though turned into absolute beasts. To the extent people wouldn’t even go into the front gardens if his car wasn’t there.
That is infuriating - some people are just ignorant in everything they do. We have our labradoodle now for a year. I adore him more than any other dog we have had before. He's such a character. But it's fair to say we are struggling to get his recall skills perfected. We have had him in for one to one training to try to get the right foolproof tips but we are not there yet. And he does have a tendency to want to jump up if given the chance. Slowly there are signs that he is getting there, but he stays on the lead and will continue to do so until we are sure. There was one occasion where we were on a deserted beach back in the spring and let him off and he hadn't got too far away when he seemed to lose sight of us. Our voices were just being carried away by the wind so he couldn't see us and couldn't hear us and seemed to be wanting to run in a panic. Proper shat myself that he was going to leg it. I know we have to keep trying to perfect it but my heart is in my mouth every time he is off the lead. We have an enormous long training lead - much happier using that.
Don't give up, they are intelligent breeds also they get calmer with age so persevere with the training advice, most important is build a strong bond with the dog he will only crave your attention eventually you will crack it. Not sure about the long leads btw seen too many accidents where bystanders are wrapped around them, reward good behaviour ignore bad behaviour, it too me hours and hours but now so glad I put the effort in, love watching owners shouting buddy buddy buddy buddy come back and the dog has f.ked right off cos no bond with owner
It's all alright saying your dog doesn't bite and is friendly, my other halfs family has adopted two dogs a few year ago who are extremely skittish and unfriendly towards other dogs. Now knowing this whenever I walk them I'm always keeping them on a lead and a distance away from other dogs but when a dog is off their lead there's only so much I can do. Basically just because your dog is friendly doesn't mean you can assume every other dog is as well.
Hence the lyrics. " If you go down to the woods today. You're sure of a big surprise" a great big dog turd.