In Oxford street yesterday, a Social media call was made for people to arrive in Oxford street and cause disorder,violence and theft,a mob arrived and it all kicked off,in New York there are constant occurrences like this, people attacked in their cars etc,do you think it will be a national problem in UK or will the authorities get on top of it straight away?
It happens all the time to small shops , gangs in hoodies , helmets and masks just walk in empty the shelves and walk out .
No sympathy with Americans and their defund the police agenda. Deterrents and proper punishments for crime aren't considered progressive enough in today's age. Easier to blame it on being poor, even though many criminals aren't, and people were much poorer in the past and crime rates were far lower. Symptomatic of a society that's turned its back on the values that once made it one of the safest, forward looking and desirable countries on the planet.
Wasn’t it Maggie Thatcher that said ‘There’s no such thing as Society’ I don’t think people generally blame the poor or think that they are responsible for all crime.
Radio said it was social media eating itself, loads of folks phones poised hoping to film it kicking off and go viral. It didn’t, coppers turned out in force , storm in a tea cup. Worlds gone totally screen obsessed, he says typing away..
My missus works in a Tesco Express with a petrol station. It's an hourly occurrence that someone will drive off without paying after filling up, or scrotes will go in the shop and just clear the shelves. No security, since as long as the losses are less than the cost of employing 4/5 people Tesco don't give a ****. Then it's the regular staff who get abuse when they challenge the thieving gits. People are c*nts.
Parts of London have been like that for ages gangs riding mopeds robbing folk. Targeting high end watches and jewellery people have.
Retail, did it all my working life, probably only beaten by an A&E department on a weekend, if you want to see what the lowest of humanity is capable of.
Nice observation. That's the thing, the world is screen obsessed, many of us see very real problems with that, but even those of us who are critical of the situation are also fully embraced in the technology. It appears very hypercritical because it is.
When I was 16 I had a Xmas job at Dixons when it was on Cheapside. Someone stole a PlayStation steering wheel and ran off into the market. I chased him all the way to the bus station before he dropped it carried on running. Absolutely no idea what I’d have done if I’d caught him or he’d turned and pulled a knife/given me a shoeing. Got back to the shop and the manager gave me a bollocking for putting myself at risk and in future to just let it happen and let the police deal with the CCTV.
Bloody Hell. I've opened the Daily Mail. Uncomfortable I know but the general trend is that the world has never been safer.
Younger generation they've had there arses wiped since day 1 this is wrong with me that is wrong with me its all your fault bone idle no work ethic in any of them i want this i deserve that i want to be a boy a girl a cuckoo social media - Christ there isn't enough hours in the day to explain that one I`ll just give you a snippet "they follow like sheep" "they believe every word that is written" a could go on but no point because they wont have it, see any of the lines above................ No offence intended (THERE WILL BE OBVIOUSLY) but its what I see with my own 2 eyes.