I should probably clarify the point I made by using a better example, the hill at the end of the Woodhead pass towards the M67, people who blatently go in the right turn lane & shove their way into the left, one, while everyone else queues like they should, that pisses me right off.
I was only thinking today in the awful warm weather, that my usual attack of hayfever hasn't been as bad this summer. Which is similar to a summer cold of course lol.
Oh, get it…. You’re an obnoxious driver (probably Audi) who thinks that you shouldn’t be making your way over into the lane early as it’s closing. Maybe you’re more important than the mugs making their way into the lane early…
If you’ve ever sat for an hour in the york bypass filter to one lane, whilst drivers like yourselves go down the outside then push their way into the lane making the inside lane basically stop. As you can imagine I’m not fond of the filter lanes. Some are necessary for road works or incidents. Others are designed into the road and cause chaos. There’s another less crap but equally annoying one at Tankersley.
When I order a white wine with ice for the wife ( I know that wine snobs wouldn't do this but it makes it a longer, colder drink!!), and the bar staff half fill the glass with ice and then fill it up to the measure line with wine. I've just paid wines prices for frozen water. It's happened three times recently and when I politely advised the staff about their error they all got shitty with me!
slightly o/t but to do with driving ... This morning heading for Worsborough going past the top entrance to Locke Park there was a speed-check van clocking cars coming towards town. After passing the van I flashed oncoming cars to alert them to slow down. Anyone else do this ? (My son who was with me said it's illegal !)
Well firstly no I hardly ever do that, in fact I don't remember the last time I've been in the situation to be either in the left or right lane. Secondly no I don't drive an Audi, not even close. My car doesn't even have alloy's just to give you a clue about how fancy my car isn't. And thirdly, roads with two lanes are literally designed to have both of them used unless it says they have specific purposes. Not only does it stop people from blocking junctions further back down the road but it's actually been proven to be much quicker than one long queue. The people who cause the issue are the ones who stubbornly refuse to let anyone in and so cause tailbacks.
The flashing of headlights may only be used to alert other road users of your presence. Obviously you could tell police that you were worried the car coming the other way was veering over slightly so you wanted to warn it of your presence or some other similar excuse but technically yes it's illegal.
I know this will spark some witty coneback. But I disagree with you about the filter as described helping congestion. It definitely doesn’t help the poor sod in the inside lane. But maybe you’re too selfish to worry about the others. You’re alright Jack n all that.
If you call 01226 775270 they'll be able to put you in touch with someone who can arrange foundation level reading lessons.
But you can’t really do a course on manners. Or learn how not to be selfish. Or to sometimes think of others , so I guess you’re not bothered.
It's horrendous! I've known drivers stay in the right lane on the uphill then turn left at the next junction and then re-join the main road (is it the A628 ?) and then head for the M67. That problem has been there forever - why has it never been sorted ?