VACANCY | HEAD OF ACADEMY COACHING Club News An exciting opportunity has arisen to join the team here at Oakwell as Head of Academy Coaching. Continue reading on the official site...
Wonder why they haven't said owt about the guy whose job has just been advertised. What a way to treat your staff.
Hopefully he has, but either way they should have said something before they put his job on the market. He'll probably be inundated with messages from friends wanting to know what's happening to him. For me it's just another example of the club opening its mouth before engaging its brain.
They put it on the website and the BBS automatically pulls posts from the website. The club don’t post on here themselves.
Who’s to say he wants a promotion advertising? Some like to keep quiet and just crack on with the job. Whitey has been promoted, but kept quiet and cracked on. Never forget you are dealing with employees here - they have aright to go about their job without pasting it all over social media and the press. It’s also potentially a data breach too if contractually the employee doesn’t want it blasting out. Always 2 sides to a story…..
Yeah, I remember years ago when Tom was coming through the academy them saying John was his dad. John is still at the club I believe, I had a look.