What's the guy supposed to do? Post something every day? Monday - Nothing to see here. Move along Tuesday - Nothing to see here. Move along. Wednesday - Nothing to see here. Come on you reds. Thursday - Nothing to see here. Move along Friday - We are working behind the scenes to get some positive business done but at the moment nothing to see here. Come on you reds. Saturday - Match day. Nothing to see here. Move along. Sunday - Its my day off today but because some people get deprived of information I feel compelled to announce......nothing to see here. Move along. Monday...... Would that do?
He’s keeping quiet which is alright with me at the minute, unless he’s got something significant to say he must remain quiet. Hopefully he’s learnt from the “big news” fiasco. Hopefully the next time we hear from him will be when he divulges said big news.
He’s not said anything since before the season starting. But he’s not given any updates on either our shirts nevermind recruitment.
Perhaps he should be contacted and asked to give the fans a weekly update on any issues he gets emailed/ contacted about or anything else that is/isnt happening
I reckon he’s busy doing his job? The transfer window is still open & folk are fond of saying how light we are on players..? There’s a fan forum this week too..
No problems. - the Hex Debacle - shutting the West Stand at short notice and turfing long standing season ticket holders out of their seat. Then letting various hangers on sit in said seats because they were press/corporate. - cancelling a friendly against Watford at short notice then bragging about it smugly in a fans forum. - remarking that he's got BIG NEWS about 2 months ago. Then not actually telling everyone this big news despite numerous requests to do so. - the Hex Debacle - the Fanatics Debacle - the supply chain of the club shop seemingly run by children. - the Hex Debacle - the mis-selling of season passes the other year - the mess of the season pass renewals this year - Hiring Poya - Hiring Schopp - saying we'd had a poor season because we'd not attracted any bids for players despite finishing 4th in the Championship - the Hex Debacle That's just off the top of my head whilst I'm having a dump. There'll be many more.
I'm rather disappointed I don't see him around these parts very often, or JAQ to be honest. She only lives across the country.
I can't remember their name but don't forget the fact that we partnered with a literal pyramid scheme and put them on the front of the shirts last season. You forgot to mention it.
Don't forget to wash your hands and then go for a check up. You appear to be suffering a repetitive strain injury.
I can: - Surround yourself with talented people; particularly in your own areas of weakness. Let them get on with their job (with support and development) but ensure everyone know what the organisation's objective is and are focused on it. - Ensure performance assessment is built into the organisations processes: collective and individual. - If you balls up, don't start digging a hole - fez up and take the learning from the error. - Take responsibility for your actions and those of the organisation. Never in any circumstances throw someone under the bus publicly. - Communicate continually with your audience. If there is nothing to say - say 'there is nothing to say'. If you don't someone will fil the 'gap' with nonsense. - Don't be afraid to listen to the advice of others - at whatever level. - Make time to chat with 'front of house' staff. They know more about your 'customers' than most. - Celebrate success and ensure those are responsible for it are highlighted and acknowledged. - If you find you have been over - promoted, or are not continually learning and developing in your role - it's time to move on.
They may have been telling to sit down at the Port Vale match but they didn't take any notice. And its not the clubs idea anyway its the football hierarchy trying to piss fans off even more,as if we haven't got enough with refs.
The West Stand issue arose before Khaled got the job but it was left to him to sort the problem out.If I remember correctly Health and Safety wouldn't issue a certificate untill certain faults were corrected.The problems were also endorsed by Beth.The Hex debacle was stopped before it hardly had started. Ashbagi was on the clubs radar 12 months before Khaled got the job.Other comments in my view were took out of context like saying it was a bad season because we didn't get any bids for players.Some of the other so called issues would have rightly or wrongly been dealt with at boardroom level. I said quite a while back considering the problems he inherited I think Kahled is the best CEO we've ever had.Always open for a chat and highly motivated to get the club backed by his board back to the Championship.