He hasn't come to my house to give me a full breakdown of company accounts and tell me what the big news is. Unacceptable.
No was busy serving pints. Just saw him and said hello. Was just replying to the OP who was implying he’s invisible.
I suppose it's more important to experience the brewdog sales than it is the farce in the car park. Priorities and all that
Khaled needs get back to city the man clueless like rest of board. Only ones at that club that deserve praise them in box office.
Well no. It's in what used to be a carpark a few years ago but is now a fanzone and is situated next to the small executive carpark out if sight away from the large carpark that is full of chaos with cars abandoned in different directions, gates closed and pedestrians and cars weaving between each other due to bonkers barriers and cones that actually forced them together