a lot of the argumentative stuff is self created though, it tends to start when folk get over excited and carried away. On one hand you have fans saying 'why are you comparing, you can't' , the next minute they are banging on about how so and so and so could show the men a thing or two etc, that brings a response and off you go. Personally I'm not that keen, I'll watch it in a half hearted manner, but then again that's how I watch a lot of games these days, unless its good old BFC, doesn't mean I'm not patriotic though, for instance the England rugby union team represents the country, but I don't even realise they are playing most of the time. I don't see what 50/100 years behind has anything to do with it at all either, only in an organisational way ,none of us had played until we started, the rest is down to evolution. I'm certainly not sexist, far from it ,nor do I feel threatened by it, to me its like the vegan thing, I'm not, but I don't keep going on about the fact that I'm not like vegan's do about being one, and I certainly don't like being verbally attacked if I say I'm not that fussed about it, I can be argumentative though and when pushed on something that I don't agree with. So I guess what I'm saying is, live and let live but stop being so touchy about a type of football and accept its not for everybody
I'm pretty sure very few male keepers would have saved Toone's shot, as it the way it moved was absolutely exceptional. A taller goalie may have got to Kerr's shot, but it still would have been some save to keep it out.
I don't understand the argument for smaller goals really. It seems to be based on people just assuming things about the women's game rather than on any kind of evidence
No problem with people who don’t want to watch it. That’s personal choice. My issue is with people who want to undermine it.
When I was at school (about 25 years ago) there was one particular lass who absolutely loved football. She could run rings round a lot of the lads in our year but was outright banned from playing football. She wasn't allowed to join the boys team because of fa rules, she wasn't allowed to play football in PE because girls were forced to do trampolining, rounders and netball while boys were forced to do football, rugby and cricket. She wasn't allowed to take part in any training sessions for the school team because the school said it was pointless as she couldn't play and there wasn't really any girls teams in the area either.
Wow.. and you think you're better than those people you obviously dispise, with a post like that. You are the exact same and just can't see it. The only difference is that you hate different things.. what a sad little man with your..why can't the world be more like me.. everything would be so perfect then posts.. insanity.. You have two choices, stay in your dark prejudices hole. Or let people do as they please. Your prejudices are no better than anyone elses. Everyone thinks that they have the moral high ground. Your hate of them is no different to there's. There's a prayer that's said before Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. Called The Serenity prayer. May I suggest you find it and read. And digest it so you actually know what is means.. And stop this complete nonsense.
There might be an argument if all womens' games were ending 6-4 or 7-5, but they don't. The scores for the most part are at the same level as the mens making the size issue irrelevant imho.
The pot is definitely stirred by social media and it brings out the worst responses. As for the relevance of being 50 years behind - it’s certainly relevant to people like me who were denied the chance to play (when it was the only thing I was any good at). Also relevant because one argument thrown at the women is “you don’t get the crowds”. Well, that’s true, but again it’s growing. Football fans have established allegiances to their clubs - many of which still don’t have a women’s side playing at any decent level. I think in 50 years time people will be watching womens football with decent crowds consistently. It will never be as big as mens, but it will grow.
This was my situation. I only got the chance to play in a team when I got to University. I did well and got selected to represent England Universities combined team. At the end of the season, my University had a sports awards ceremony. All the male footballers who were selected to represent England Universities were awarded “Full colours”. The two of us who were selected for the Women’s team were awarded “half colours”. Inequality still live and kicking in 1991.
Will look up the poem. And there’s no hate in my post, just pity. Pity that people have to deride the achievements of others to make themselves feel better.
I'm not on Twitter but can imagine what is said on there, but in real life I find it's very much the reverse. I haven't watched the women's world cup, but I joined a work call after the result yesterday, and smiled as the woman leading the call was jubilant at the win. Then the old, disappointing, unnecessary trope was trotted out: 'a World Cup Final... once again, the women are doing what the men have failed to do for 60 years.' Now in the context of work, and with no opposition to the win but rather the opposite (everyone congratulating the women's team), it's comments like this that undermine men and do a disservice. If men put down women's football in the workplace, there would be hell to pay. I don't particularly care for women's football, but I respect the achievements. But don't constantly compare it to the men's game and put the men's game down, and then get defensive when men say that the two are not comparable in terms of history and levels. As an aside, a video from Fifa popped up on my YouTube this week: 'One of the greatest last minute winners EVER.' I watched the goal, which I'd never seen previously; the player showed skill, but the defender dove in, and the keeper ran in a half circle and didn't even attempt a save..' It's patronising to women actually to suggest this goal has gone down in history as one of the greatest last minute winners ever - I just think the big claims and comparisons to the men's game should stop. Just enjoy the win. As an aside, there is a term, the female version of misogyny: misandry. I see it often. My wife was on a work call with three women yesterday who were saying how gorgeous a male colleague was (a doctor), and how they would want him to treat them - imagine 3 men saying that about a female colleague on a call! There'd be a disciplinary hearing, no doubt.
Hang on, I think there's an important distinction here. He didn't say that anyone who chooses not to watch women's football is pathetic but anyone who can't appreciate their success is pathetic and I think that's a fair point. Regardless of what you think of the standard, our women's team are one of the best 2 in the competition and have a good chance to win it. Someone who likes football but can't appreciate that achievement is a bit weird and it raises the question of why.
These days I much prefer watching women’s football. Less cheating. High levels of skill. I guess you can still point to some weak goalkeeping but that’s a small negative alongside all the positives.
Apparently when the size of goals was originally being defined, some sort of calculation was made based on the height of an average man. However, as I've mentioned in another post, that was 160 odd years ago, when an average man was around 5ft7, far shorter than today's 5ft10. So the logical move would be to leave the goals as they are for women, and make them a bit bigger for men.
Shaking my head at this. Similar experience with a girl in Primary school. Actually the best footballer in the whole school. Went to Secondary school - that’s the end of that. Not allowed to play.