I'm pleasantly surprised at the responses on this thread. I half expected seeing some messages of disrespect rather than an entire feeling of respect. For me Parky was a Barnsley legend, he always spoke highly of his affiliation with his home town and where he could he always advertised our club with passion and dignity. A legend in his field and a legend as a person. Although I only fleetingly met him when I was a nipper with my Dad, he came across as a warm and humble person, who at the time was at the top of his field. He wasn't just the best interviewer in Britain, he was the best in the world. We should be proud that he came from Barnsley and that he went on to being world renowned, from humble beginnings. A sad loss. RIP Parky.
A little more info https://www.barnsleychronicle.com/article/25951/chat-show-host-dies https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2023/aug/17/michael-parkinson-parky-changed-british-tv
It wasn't a grammar school when I was there, it was the third year after it had turned comprehensive when I arrived. A lot of the old grammar school teachers were still there though and they resented the change big style.
When my mother was a young lass, she went to the dance halls in Barnsley like they all did. She told me one evening this young lad called Michael Parkinson pestered her for a dance. She turned him down because his nose was too big.
R.I.P. Michael. I loved his book Football Daft, which I read back in the 1960's. His love for Skinner Normanton was as great as mine for Ronnie Glavin.
He met Skinner and his wife a couple of times. the first was arranged by Calendar news as they'd never met. Skinner said he was a really nice bloke and Mrs Skinner got on famous with Parky's wife Mary... RIP Parky...did Barnsley proud
A sad loss, but what an incredible, long life with no doubt some brilliant experiences in there. He was a unique and from what you hear genuine man. A credit to Barnsley.
Nice. Not everyone is cut out for industry or military. I certainly wasn’t. I fell well short in terms of ‘success’, doing what I do. But I’m very good at what I do, still am. & Parkinson is the evidence, that you can rise above, in a different trade. He went from local cricket & local rags journalism, to be the person the most famous were happy to talk to. Oh my word.? Bette David, Orson Welles, Mohammed Ali.? Meg Ryan was difficult though.
Didn’t he play at Shaw Lane.? Just stumbled on a YouTube tape with him, Dickie & Boycott talking. I know nowt about cricket, but will try to post the video..x
Watched his interview with the great Bette Davis and what comes over is his knowledge about the film industry and his ability to let the guests talk - Didn't he also have 'difficulty' with Helen Mirren ??