It wasn't so much he had 'difficulty' with her. The problem was more due to his sexist attitude at the time.
Yes. I think Meg Ryan & Helen Mirren. It’s often clumsy. But you couldn’t do instant research like you can now..
On the way to Filey listening to talk sport another legend came on air Dickie, by the time he had finished dickie the wife and I had tears in our eyes. Rest in peace Parky.
Just watched the programme showing on BBC. on BBC iplayer. As he looked back on his career on the show. Some very humourous and poignant moments. Well worth the watch.
Never a great fan of his show but the Billy Connolly bit about a fart in a spacesuit is an iconic piece of TV. RIP.
Just watched it but missed the last bit toilet time so who was the star he wanted to interview but never managed to get.
Watched ITV GMB. . Brilliant tribute from Jimmy Tarbuck. And told how Barnsley FC was his first love in football. For all the doubters out there, take note.
But Mirren said more recently, in a 2019 interview with Flaunt magazine, that she had taken quite a lot of flack for the incident, which she had thought about following the #MeToo movement. “After that Parkinson interview, I was the one who got the s***,” Mirren said. “He didn’t. I got the s***. I got the s*** for being argumentative.” “I don’t want to diss Michael, but he did blow it that once, because, you know, he didn’t know any different," she continued. “He never saw it. I mentioned it to him again years later and he never saw what was wrong with it. He never could quite grasp it.”
He did in the programme I saw last night. Talking to his son he did admit that in todays world. what he said was unacceptable. But at the time the world basically was a different place. Anyone from our era understand that. Times change not always for the better in my view. I watched an interview on dating this morning. And the young lady wanted traditional values. Eg the man on the first date to offer to pay for the meal. Yet 2 thirds of women wish to go halves. We may have had a different approach in my younger days. And in my mind (not always) sometimes for the better. I still have some of those traditional values. Nothing will change that.
Thanks H. I saw that at the time & I don’t watch much tv.. So I’m thinking wtf? Have I been living in London tool long? I wouldn’t slay Parky about that. YES, he dropped a borrack. But it threw up a great debate ? & attitudes began to change? It was the brit pop era. Girls in bands park was just clumsy, that day, same with Meg Ryan. But only picking up on things those girls had already said & got them an opportunity to reply. Clumsy, though..
Perhaps you’re not old enough to appreciate the stellar quality of many of his guests? People, like him, at the very top of their profession, were encouraged to talk freely by Parky’s easy, relaxed manner and there was rarely a bad interview. Meg Ryan was an obvious example of the latter - one of those actresses who is good at light movie roles but has nothing to say without a script. Some of the best ever comedy moments in television history were seen on his shows and stand being watched over and over. I really hope the BBC run a long series of repeats - maybe on BBC4? I will record every one and enjoy the quality.