We're reliant on the owners to pay off debts etc with charitable donations/loans. Why can't they spend a bit extra on the playing squad and take their money back when it's more financially viable to do so?
Thank you. And thank you for the heads up too. Was planning on watching it but might not last too long if I can’t hear anything!
While I’m all for asking critical questions, I really hope folk remember to be polite and respectful when asking them. Some of the language used to describe tonight’s event and how Khaled should be treated is a concern. It was described in another thread as a “public slaying”. They’re human beings. It’s only football, not a matter of life and death, and in the grand scheme of things we’re still in a decent position as a club.
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All the keyboard critics never turn up for stuff like this and usually have some crap excuse for not doing so. If they did they would clam up as half the stuff they type they wouldn't have the balls to say to a persons face.
Will they keep it on to watch at a later date for those of us with crap excuses as to why we can't make it?
It's password protected. You have to submit your excuse before being provided with the password. Bobby Hassell and Martin Devaney decide on the legitimacy of the excuse. Crap excuses are dismissed.
Plus did any of the current board help sanction the signings of these 2 belgians , probably only 1still on Wage bill but it’s still causing a major cash flow problem , and if the lad is unwilling to play surely we have a get out in his contract to **** him off .
Asking challenging questions can be done politely, this does not need to be antagonistic or aggressive. I think we all want for the best for the club and the future. For me the key question is are they expecting to make more contributions to the day to day running of the club or are they looking to reset expenditure to league one revenue. I would be quite happy to ask that question but the 500 mile round trip (excuse) puts me off.