I know I replied really sarcastically to you yesterday, but this is actually genuine: I don't think it would be right of me, after a few beers, to reinterpret what Whitey said. Because it's not black and white. And I think I'd misrepresent him. I'm not purposely being a ****, I'd just prefer for you to hear it from the source rather than from me getting it mostly wrong.
Ah ok, thanks. That does sound like they COULD have created a full time role for Stretch then, but perhaps the media role doesn't pay as well as being a postie. Was surprised by this to be fair!
hmmm. Not sure making your defence massively weaker will help. But hey ho we will see. I’d say we are 50% worse at the back and that’s too much.
I need a job change if Posties get that much. I know a Postie up the road from me and he doesn’t get anywhere near that much.
Or that's what he tells you when it's his round... I didn't think it looked right, but it's what Google said.
Re Iseka. Collins made it quite clear in the Chronicle. the club will consider options open to em. Eg move him on if possible in my view. Collins then makes out. Everyone in the squad at the club is up for selection. But then goes on to say. "Players will be judged on how they perform in training"
True. They turn up and answer and give a reason. On here. We are close to administration and skint. They said. "We don't put money just into transfers We improve the club overall" Which is how it should be. Keeping facilties up to date. Improving the club. Improving the scenery.
Just had a look on indeed and it might be pro-rata as it looks like most posties are on 25-30 hours a week according to job adverts.
Exactly the same answer Duff gave 12 months ago. Iseka must be our top earner these days and he’s not even doing anything to get his money. We may as well be playing him off the bench at least cos he’s better than any other options we have.
He must be running rings round Jalo, Marsh etc.. l remember when he first came the players said he was a world beater in training. Must be another payment due for appearances, it's the only explanation.
The thing he should be asking himself is why fans jump to negative assumptions and throw the club under the bus as he put it. Good communications explain the reasons behind decisions and build trust such that when the reasons for other decisions can't be explained for whatever reason, people assume there will be a good reason for it. Unfortunately there have been several instances where the explanation has been lacking and therefore speculation fills the void. For example communication around the West Stand closure was atrocious. Re Stretch, I see no reason why they couldn't have at the very least alluded to the fact they were looking for a full time photographer for the first time and then people may have drawn different conclusions. Imploring people to trust doesn't work, it has to be earned and they're not explaining enough often enough to build it. Over communicate to build trust and then people will stop jumping to negative conclusions.