De Gevigney looks a bit rash. The challenge for the penalty, the tackle for the yellow - the drag back he got away with just after. He’ll learn but it needs to be quickly. Can see us losing a man today, this ref looks like one of those who thinks we pay to see him.
The 'French lad' is lucky to still be on the pitch. Nailed on yellow card (his second) missed by the ref.
French lad needs replacing, we need 11 men on the pitch (obvs) Ref seems ok to me We’ve played well since their goal,
I wish I could believe that. There is a certain loud minority on here which has an agenda which involves criticising anything and everything the club does. Any new player who doesn't immediately slot in seamlessly is deemed "not good enough", especially if he came from lower down the pyramid. This fits in with the narrative that the doom and gloomers incessantly peddle. Until the player settles in and actually proves to be decent, in which case the same doom and gloomers are up in arms when the said player is sold for allegedly,"a fraction of his true value", and is then replaced with someone else who's "not good enough".
But they want them to succeed? Some players we are signing are unlikely to be good enough right here right now for a league 1 promotion push