That squad and back room had been torn apart 2 weeks after that final. The writing was on the wall as soon as Duff left. Call him what you want, but he had a squad of players who were willing to die for him. Players was queueing up to sign for us until he left. It speaks volumes. We’re in a real mess here.
I'm on about what's happened off the field. Duff ****** off at the first opportunity, Norwood gone, Andersen sold, supposed bids for Kitching and Styles which could be unsettling for both players. I don't hold Collins accountable and feel a bit sorry for him to be honest. We've signed Watters who in my opinion isn't good enough based on what he's done so far. I thought he was **** last season to be honest. Midfield aside we're weaker in defence and up front with more players possibly set to leave. Not sure what the answer is but I'll properly start assessing Collins and his team selections / tactics after 10 games.
The manner of the defeats not just the scores is the concern. Shipping six goals at home in two games which, without stand out saves, could have been a lot worse. A massive couple of weeks needed before the transfer window closes.
Totally gutted after today. Two 1-3 home defeats in a matter of days. Perhaps it's better for me to say nothing at the moment, rather say something I later regret.
That’s how I feel; if I spoke from the heart at the moment it wouldn’t be good so trying to bite my tongue and hope we don’t have another shocker season like the season before last as that was abysmal.
Maybe he's been reading that its a physical league and for carried away! Seriously, his was a nightmare a debut as Collins was the dream. I hope Collins and the lads look after him, I'm sure he'll learn from today.
The worrying thing from all the games even the port Vale at times was how off the shape was and we was all over the place defensively. Look at the posh goals even the Bristol equaliser the defensive line is shocking.
Said it the last time we missed out on promotion and lost half the team in the summer. YOU CANNOT RUN A SUCCESSFUL PROFESSIONAL FOOTBALL CLUB the way they are trying to run Barnsley FC the drop off in quality between the players leaving and the replacements when they first arrive is just too great, if it was one you'd get away with it but when it's 4 and 5 out of the first team you've no chance and that message doesn't seem to be getting through to the board and before the be positive police jump on me I know the board can't help some of the departures but they can improve the quality of the recruitment. We are asking too much of the new signings and it's simply not fair on them their teammates the coaching staff and us fans
Considering we didn’t even find Oxford a challenge last season yet they walked over us rings alarm bells for me.