England have a mountain to climb here. Apart from an odd foray, they are not really in this and Spain look very comfortable. As they push forward 2nd half, Salin look to be capable of a very quick counter. Very difficult to assess when to push it. They are going to need to be very intelligent 2nd half.
No idea where Bronze was going with that run and she barely got out of the centre circle to try and make up for the mistake. One of my favourite lionesses but definitely at fault for that goal
No, she was brilliant in the quarter & semi. Just needs to settle her nerves & that’s true of 4-5 of them. Lucy, too.
FIFA like money more than anything else. The whole 'crown jewels' thing dates back to when we had proper 'terrestrial' TV with an analogue signal. Freeview is now our base-level tier of broadcasting - if you don't have at least that, then you can't watch TV. There is no analogue signal. If SKY paid for the bandwidth for a permanent channel on the Freeview EPG, there's nothing stopping them bidding for rights.
Jesus, even the women are cheating ********. There was zero contact there and she reacted like she had been shot.
It looked that way to me. Some tribute? Salma will probably have something too, if she scores. For her brother.
They're starting to get the ref onside. Think they've had Ramos in as a consultant for artistic rolling around skills.