We're 4 games into a new season . Is it a little soon to be writing off the season. Let's at least give them while Christmas before throwing the towel in. After the first game ,my comments were one swallow doesn't make a Summer, I maintain that 2 losses at home doesn't mean too much. Mads was a key player for us ,it will take time to replace him.
That’s fine but it’s the same thing every season, we’re always building the foundations but we never get the roof on.
Despite being a loan player B Thomas was also key. Norwood was also key. The options that L Thomas gave us (pace) and Tedic gave us (presence) were also key. None have been replaced. That’s the worry. We have about 10 days to find 5 players that are capable of slotting straight into the squad. 6 if Connell is out for any more than the next few weeks. And that’s 6 good L1 or above standard not random punts on 4 year old Latvians Some can be loans but as it’s stands we are competing with the ‘best transfer window ever’ in terms of outcomes.
Well what does the club do nail players down to 4 year contracts like brum did with Roberts. Players sign for us to better themselves,we're not loaded.
The last two games remind me of our last post championship playoff games. Playing like we have a right to win, not that we have to graft. And I mean graft in mind and body. And we were awful all season. Let’s hope we can turn this around before we’re looking at relegation.
We don't have to be loaded, just have some sort of preparation we knew Mads was leaving months ago but we just sat on our backsides by the looks, God forbid we brought x player in before y and z left. There were some good free agents this summer but because they weren't 12 with a resale value we thought we'd start picking up cheap national league options completely disregarding the impact of those leaving would have. There's a reason so many people bang on about older heads/experience because usually it works, see Paul Wilkinson, John Hendrie, solbeuar, Norwood for ref.
Didn't mads and others come from lower leagues. Get what your saying Nors wanted 2 Yr which Oldham gave him. There 2 weeks left. I would be asking the players questions do they want to wear the shirt or not. Don't forget we have also lost Luca out of the side , also a big loss.
Yes I believe Mads was Danish 2nd div, if you remember he had some stinkers and got dogs abuse in that 1st season, only recruiting experience in Solbeaur taking Mads out of the firing line ultimately contributed to us staying up. Connell is a huge loss, with Norwood I didn't see the issue with extending him by another year, whilst his minutes might have lessened again its that older head around the dressing room and experience to learn from.