What a state. He looks like his mother has just told him he can't leave the table until he eats his greens. When/it he gets locked prepare for a civil war. Too many over there wouldn't take it.
He knows what he's doing, obviously posed like that on purpose. He was flogging t-shirts with that picture on within an hour of its release at $34 a pop to raise funds. Sky News: https://news.sky.com/story/trump-hopes-badge-of-honour-mugshot-inspires-his-supporters-12946957
Millions of people actually voted, and still would vote, for that orange, sh it-haired, sh it-voiced, racist, sexual assaulting piece of garbage.
A child in a man's body, a petulant, ignorant, spoiled child. As a previous poster says, a large proportion of Americans are dumb enough to vote for this imbecile. America has a lot to offer the world, but, in ways to educate and administer healthcare are not amongst the good offerings.
Why is Donald trump releasing the image and selling t-shirts with the image on when surely the image is copyright of the police department or the government or something. It seems so wrong to be able to profit from an image taken by the police because you committed a crime
This is a man who's believed he's above the law his entire life lest we forget. It's impossible to apply logic to anything he does.
Trump supporters are the best argument for a good educational system and regulation of mass media you could make.
In good old US tradition, they should now put out posters with 'Wanted, dead or alive' on them, just to counter the GOP mugs and t-shirts.
It's a brilliant photo. Clearly rehearsed, but he nails it and it's iconic. He's a disgusting piece of ****, but that's a work of genius.
If and when he's found guilty and sent down, the appeal will be launched within seconds and he'll be be given the American equivalent of bail so he can carry being a prize pillock as if nothing has happened. The appeal will then take so long he'll have died before it's conclusion so he'll never even see the inside of a prison cell!