Good on them. He's really adamant he won't resign, but he won't be hanging around as he's gotta be sacked.
absolutely disgraceful behaviour. not only should he be sacked, but there's also serious argument for sexual assault. only a matter of time before he's gone.
What we should be talking about is how good Hermoso was in the final. Missed penalty aside she was imbeccable, looked an absolute class apart in a world cup final. It's a disgrace that this pathetic loser is taking the headlines, when it should only be about the players.
This is really sad that an incredible achievement by those women is being overshadowed by an idiot of a man. The world still has a long way to go.
I think the issue here, is not fully the kiss itself, it’s everything that has been going on in the background for a number of years. And this was just the final straw - which was publicly seen. I’m not saying the kiss is right, but if the culture and mutual respect was very good before, a ‘daft’ moment in a joyous situation may have been perceived differently by the player/media. They clearly know what he and federation are like - this is why. And rightly so.
Who to believe eh a scheming woman who should know her place or an honourable gentleman who has been led astray Clearly he isn’t going without a fight horrible man
In isolation with different man, I don’t disagree to an extent. However if you look into the federation’s history with the woman’s team over the past 6-7 years, you can see why this is the final straw for them. It’s more than just the actual kiss itself.
Not in my opinion. His actions were crass at best and arguably creepy. He has detracted from the success of the Spanish womens' team and undermined the progress that is being made in womens' football generally. They deserve more respect, and he should walk or be fired.
This world is that crazy ,expect the trophy will be next to complain,that it was kissed without its permission,I personally would not kiss anyone on the lips beside my wife ,but is the culture different in Spain,bet he wishes she was a foot shorter now and he had kissed her head,he should resign and live the rest of his life in a hole in the ground in shame
He’s kisses someone it’s hardly assault is it ? There may be background issues n I’m not arsed looking but he’s kissed someone and everyone is losing their **** sums up what’s wrong with humanity.
The geezer took hold of her head and in effect, trapped her. It was unwanted. So yes - it is assault.
Yes, criticising a bloke in a position of power who kisses a woman without consent is what's wrong with humanity. Ffs.
The thing that really annoys me is had he apologised and said he got carried away in the heat of the moment and asked for forgiveness this could probably have all gone away ( though not if as some suggest there is a lot more behind this) but instead he has doubled down and blamed the victim, despite all evidence pointing the other way. The fact the entire squad has gone on strike is rather telling.