Just had a spoofish, NOT NADINE DORRIES email. Obviously from the labour party. quite funny, anyone else had it. With her supposedly telling you 'Dont click this button .' And another saying 'seriously dont click.' Takes you to a donate to labour to help campaign in her constituency for labour. . Even though I copied and pasted. the links actually worked. So deleted and overwrought them. lol. ------------------------------------------------------- When I arrived in Mid Bedfordshire in 2005, I inherited a Conservative majority of 8,000. It's now 25,000, a legacy I am proud of. It would be a terrible shame if the Labour Party undid all of that, wouldn't it? Paul, I’m asking you, for my legacy’s sake - do not donate to the Labour Party’s by-election campaign fund today Don't click this button Paul, I understand. Just the other day in my resignation letter to Rishi Sunak, I said: The Prime Minister has no mandate and puts his ambition above the stability of our country and the economy, the government is adrift and the British public are being taken for fools. And much more. I stand by it all! It’s a brilliant letter. Some people say I haven't been doing my job in months - well, now you know what I was working on! But Paul, this really is about my legacy. Just because Rishi Sunak’s weak zombie government has no plan, doesn’t mean we can just let the Labour Party storm to victory in Mid Bedfordshire. Please, do not donate to Labour’s Mid Bedfordshire campaign fund today. Seriously dont click this button. Well, that’s me away. A letter and an email in three days is hard work you know. I hope I’ve managed to convince you - do not donate to build a better Britain! Thank you, Not Nadine Dorries Former very busy MP for Mid Bedfordshire
Pathetic, juvenile crap. Give me policies and dignity rather than some 6th Form attempt at targeted personal humour. They won't come out in support of striking workers as they say they want to appear 'a serious government in waiting' then they come out with this rubbish. Says it all.
As you say, very childish if correct (can only assume it is after reading). Why not just send an email saying what the Labour Party will do. Or, is there a potential problem with that approach?
It was tongue I cheek. Childish maybe, I get that. but it's one of many requests for funding campaigns they send out. Every other one into more re polices. But this is not a general election. But trying to take advantage of the situation re the byelection. I've no doubt the tories will be going all out. No expense spared from their wealthy donors. Spinning their lies to the electorate. Or is Nadine lying. One or the other. But more than likely both. I personally hope she has damaged her party. Beyond repair b4 the next General election. (Sometimes she is referred to as the Dianne Abbot of the labour party. God forbid DA wasnt ridiculed at every opportunity by the tories). But let's not forget what a true blue she really is. (Maybe not a fan of this regime) Demanding to know why she was rejected for a peerage. (Maybe she had a right to). But the bumbling woman she is and her worship of Boris. (Which should lead into no doubt to anyone, her insincerity), Leads me to think she is totally untrustworthy. To seek her own benefit. Her book is out in September let's see what that does just b4 the tory conference. Sometimes 2 wrongs dont make a right but fekk em. it's the tories on the whipping end this time. I am not a fully fledged New labour man. As I was in Jeremy Corbyn's camp. But I hate the Tories more. She's one of many at the top of the list.
I do Baz. and contribute on many occasion. I am a little further to the left in my views. But not enough to abandon em. The end of my post probably doesnt reflect that.
Lots did and joined picket lines (not one tory. even an ex nurse tory mp condemned strikes) . But the Tories would have had a field day if it wasnt handled properly. Once labour gain control (Hopefully) These ******** in power that are trying to use the public to become exasperated by strikes. Rail/Nhs. By delaying solving disputes, it will hopefully do more damage than good. Support of the public is as strong as ever. Let the Tories bury themselves. They are trying to alter union laws to suit their agenda. The right to strike is not negotiable. Labour have said any laws that may be brought in. Will be repealed once (and if) in power.
I’m surprised she’s not jumped ship to Labour she will fit right in with Keir ‘no wealth tax’ Starmer
More monster raving looney party. She'd be perfect. She'd have fitted in well with Screaming Lord Sutch. Shame she didn't get that peerage. 'Batshit crazy Baroness Dorries'.