No changes in circumstance, premium up 30% not much if you say it fast! Had a good look round and it appears every other bloody company is similar!
Had the same thing. Was £600 last year. They wanted £1100 this year. Managed to shop around and get it for £900 but still hell of a jump!
Mine is with Saga,I know everyone is not an old fart like me.2yrs ago I got my insurance at a set price for 3yrs £246 I’m glad I did way it’s going up.
It's also the post code lottery too. Didn't realise when I moved home ,half of mile as the crow flies. My insurance went down with the change of post code.
Insurance in general. Every year, an unjustifiable price hike. Usually when you ring to cancel they find a miraculous discount. I change every year in principle that existing customers are shafted not rewarded.
It's crazy that if you move to another insurers you can get it cheaper. It makes sense to change,or get another quote and they generally match it.
My latest renewal quote has gone up from £307 to £525. That meerkat thing has come up with a best quote of £375. Never thought I'd be happy with a £70 increase!
Had A £100 jump on contents. From £200 - £300 . No thanks. As for motor insurance I change every year. It’s a complete faff but I can always knock off £100. Ironically, anyone who puts me on their motor insurance as a named driver, gets a reduction in price. Presumably I’m a safe influence or something!
Change ever year and use cashback app Quidco normally get £20-£30 cash back also do this with my home insurance.
The law changed last year and car insurance companies aren’t allowed to offer incentives to new customers/penalise renewing ones. It was meant to mean that those who change every year will now pay more and those who didn’t will pay less. I’m one of the ones who always swapped but was glad the whole rigmarole of needing to had ended. Obviously, they’re now just charging everyone the more expensive one and forgoing the cheaper rates!
Sign of the times when you've got to send yourself through the post to get to your destination. Hope you can afford first class.
I actually enjoyed shopping around, and saving money every year gave me a buzz. All part of being in control of my finances. Maybe it's still early days, but my first two renewals after the law change would indicate that shopping around is now a waste of time. My car insurance renewal price (£188) is 32% higher than last year and my breakdown cover is up by 20%. I'm still looking, but so far I've only managed to beat the car insurance price by a measly £4! And don't get me started on Direct Line. Their quote was double my renewal price. No wonder they're "not available through price comparison sites." This thread has given me a couple of ideas, though, and I'll give Saga and the Post Office a try later. Nil desperandum...
Mine only went up £20 this year. Renewed with same provider. Seems to smash the others out of the water for 2nd year running. Yoga insurance.
I swapped cars in July and renewal was August paying £35/m. I did a load of searches - cheapest I found for the new car was £70/m - from my current provider. Updated my old policy for July (for about 30p), then they sent me a quote for £40/m. So it has gone up, but I've changed car too.