It's totally wrong and unjustifiable. As is criticism of the Me Too movement. Then again, I'm one of the lefties that Sophie Corcoran dislikes so much.
There’s no fishing, just seems a very inappropriate act to be carrying out on a policewoman that’s all
Yes it is bad, but needs to be put into perspective. 2 million people attended, and 275 arrests... South Yorkshire has a smaller population than that and I bet there were more incidents in comparison and no doubt stabbings etc.
So you expect 2 million people to converge in one area and nothing happen whatsoever? Retarded more like...
Have a look at the news for South Yorkshire and West Yorkshire with SMALLER populations and see what happened over the weekend then? Did none of that happen here then? I'll give you a clue, there were murders and stabbings for starters. And what part of 'yes it is bad' got lost in translation??? Just putting things into perspective thats all.
Are you? Christ it isn't that difficult is it?? If you put large amounts of people together then crime will happen. 2 million people and 275 arrests- put it into perspective ffs.
Have you ever been ro a carnival? Been quite a few times always felt safe, never saw trouble, good atmosphere. But the people criticising wanting them banned wouldn't go we know why.
To be honest, it worries me more than some people are so blinkered that they can't use their brains and realise that 2 million people is a huge amount and inevitably things might happen just as they do daily in similar sized concentrations of people