here's one for you, is the fact that all football games have fans segregated a form of racism, it doesn't happen in rugby league ,infact does the tribalism of football, encourage racism to people who are that way inclined, makes me laugh how the players take the knee, we applaud the fact everyone can be different and still matter then we scream dogs abuse at the away fans for being different 1 minute later just trying to take the thread off the he's a racist no I'm not direction
Seeing as clearly you can't read, yes I've reported it to stewards. And yes it's been ignored. I'll even tag you in the old post I found this morning from when it happened four years ago. And if pointing out racism is considered to be a high horse, then fck me, we're in a worse state than I thought.
High horse is how you are with other posters in every post. I'd rather you didn't tag me in anything and just hit the ignore button on me from now on. 90% of posters I can debate with even if we disagree on football matters or anything. With you and you do this with other posters you belittle people, respond to them asif there nothing and just come across not very nice so from now on. Just leave me alone and visa versa..
Not every post. Just racists and those defending racism. Stick me on ignore if you like - it's a free country.
Erm, no. It’s not racist. In the same way that separating boys and girls in PE changing rooms isn’t racist. It’s fine for a good and sensible reason and isn’t discriminatory.
You were a **** yesterday with what I said about Norwood jumping on that trying to be little.. and yeah I'm a racist who confronted racists home and away on more that one occasion. Keyboard warrior you.
I was debating football with you. You must have the thinnest skin ever. A few people challenged your opinion, now you're calling one of them a **** for it. That's a bit keyboard warriory I would say.
Yep true. There are a lot of factors. If its seen as OK at Oakwell by people, im not surprised that they would act like this away too. Sad and an issue that deserves more attention.
Honestly this is a pathetic comment really. Just making a purely bad faith argument to try and make it look like people calling out racism is frivolous.
Anyway back to the statement. If there was a proven instance of racist abuse on Saturday then I hope the Neanderthal perpetrator is identified and fully brought to book. No need for it, no need at all. I hope not but would be sadly unsurprised if there's further idiocy this next week with a Sikh referee and Muslim linesman on Saturday and a black referee on Tuesday. I will call it out if I hear it at Cheltenham, albeit experiences of reporting perpetrators at Derby last season left us appalled at that club's apathy.
What is the accusation exactly? Yes club employees are Facebook friends with people who have posted racist material online. Or they were anyway. Yes that means that when those people purchase tickets the club should know who they are and be able to prevent them buying tickets if they so choose. Yes fans know who trouble causes are so why dont the club? Wat exactly is the accusation?