My car is nothing special. Cost less than £10k but it's money I worked hard for and was a fair few months wages so I try to look after it (nowt obsessive like washing it every day or anything) so like a few people do i park at the far end of carparks and walk the extra hundred metres or so. So how come no matter where I park there's always someone parks right next to me? I'm at Asda at the moment and the row I'm parked in is about 20 spaces wide. When I went in Asda I was the only car in that 20 metres. Less than 5 minutes later I come out and now there are about 12 or 13 spaces, a car, my car, another car and then about 5 more empty spaces. So in that 5 minutes two different people have decided to park right next to me on either side instead of using the massive areas with no cars. Why do people do it? Obviously perfectly entitled to and it's nothing more than a mild frustration to me but genuinely why do some people do it? It seems harder to me to park next to a car and then be careful with your door than it is to just park in a big open area. Anyone on here the kind of person who ignores big gaps and parks next to someone else? If so why? I assume there must be reasons that I've just never thought of. Anyone?
Its like somebody taking the table right next to you in a pub or restaraunt, when there's loads of others. Completely invading your privacy!.
Only thing I can think is that they just don't pay attention. I reckon I've probably done that, just parked up not even thinking about where other cars are in relation to the space I decided on
I have to admit that I do. I prefer when there is a car on one side to use as a guide when pulling into a space. It’s easier than parking between the lines with nothing either side (not that I can’t obviously but I’m just so used to parking in crowded spaces that I naturally gravitate towards that rather than a big empty space).
They've obviously got supernatural powers and are a bit evil at the same time. 'I think that bloke doesn't like people parking next to him in empty car parks so that's what I'll do. Heh, heh heh'.
This will do for me. Its not so much them doing it that bothers me as it is that I've never been able to work out why and then i think about it way too much trying to work out why so two different reasons really helps me a lot with that. barnsleyreds logic of people just not really concentrating does make sense because we all go on autopilot when we drive and jamdrops logic of it being easier actually makes a LOT of sense too. Never thought of that but I've noticed at work that when the carpark is fairly empty about half of the cars are parked over or right next to lines. When it's already got cars in it who make sure they're central then the others who usually park badly are perfectly in the centre too Also I know what you mean about you CAN park but it's easier. I'm much more central if I reverse into a bay than I am if I just pull in which makes no sense really but I just am
I don't know why people get narked when I park in a family spot. I know my kids are 43 and 40 but they are family. .
The one that bugs me is when you're heading into a Multi Storey, and the car in front insists on taking the first available space, when there are multiple spaces available ahead. But no, they have to have the first one, making you have to sit and wait as they maneuver, whereas if they could be arsed to go ten yards further on, you could both be getting parked up at the same time. I always check my mirror and if there's someone behind I'll leave them the first space and move on to the next available one.
If there's no room for two cars to pass because of parked cars or because it's a narrow road I will pull in and 'flash' the oncoming driver. What riles me is when I've done that the approaching driver stops and 'flashes' back in return. To respond to ST post re parking - (I know this is a completely illogical reason.) I always park near to another car because the locking system on my ancient VW doesn't work and the fuel 'flap' wont shut. I think it's safer near to another car than parked in isolation where it may be ransacked??
I drive a Transporter, so it’s larger than most vehicles, it’s also my pride and joy with the paintwork immaculate and maintained professionally etc as a result I always park as far away as possible from anyone else and happily will walk much longer to avoid parking near others. But almost without exception you come back and someone parks next to you even though there are loads of spaces nearer.
When a neighbour takes up the car space in front of their house with a skip and park in front of someone else's house, which leads to a domino affect that can be avoided if you just have the skip in your front garden like most do.
Usually look for the most two expensive cars I can and park in the middle of them. I pretty much know then they are going to be trying to take the best care they can for their car.
I once pulled into Tesco Metro Stockport car park at 5am on Christmas Eve to do a Christmas shop for 16 people. There were 4 cars in a car park that holds about 2000 cars. Within 10 seconds of pulling up a Range Rover pulled into the space next to mine, and opened his door smashing it into the passenger door of my car. It's the only time in my life i've called someone a c-bomb.
Think it’s a ‘thing’ for some people, I once parked in an empty car park , came out to still a virtually empty car park and some tit in a Range Rover was parked that tight to my drivers door I could barely get in.
What really annoys me when my car is on a transporter with 4-5 other cars. The transporter driver travels at 80 mph and we all get a speeding ticket.
At least nobody pulled up at the side of you and started masturbating. That can be an unfortunate hazard in empty carparks.