Yes he’s useless. Lies has no policies or vision to make the country a better place. Bakes in austerity with absurd and economically illiterate ‘fiscal rules’. Won’t help hungry kids by taxing the rich. Won’t commit to making schools habitable. Promises greater NHS privatisation. Talks of growth but will neither invest in infrastructure or rejoin CU / SM making growth impossible. If you are happy with how the tories have run the country since 2010 vote either Labour or Tory. If you’re not vote for someone else.
That is possibly the biggest load of ******** I’ve ever read. Don’t like Starmer? Fine. Think he’s lied? Don’t agree. But ok. Bigger liar than Johnson? You’re having a ******* laugh.
Nope. Not at all. Starmer was elected based on his 10 pledges. Every single one he lied. As conservative commentator Peter Orbone said the biggest deception in any election of any type that he can think of after 40 years as a political analyst. I can if you like show you the footage where Starmer says unequivocally to Andrew Neill that nationalisation of rail, mail and utilities and then the footage of him saying he never made that pledge.
Some strange opinions on here... Why would Starmer be running round promising the world when he doesn't know what mess the Tories will leave us in when they finally go? There are good policies on energy and creating jobs that will save people money and offer young people a future amongst plenty of others if people have a look. You cant win an election on unfunded promises and theres no room to borrow after Covid so a sensible competent leader is what we need not another clown or puppet.
'Labour prepares for government for first time in nearly 15 years by bringing people into front line roles that have previous experience of government' Bloody gits, eh.
You know who else said they couldn’t do anything but attack the poor and shut public services. George Osborne in 2010. Labour are basically saying word for word what Cameron and Osbourne said with what will be the same result.
Rubbish... There has been no talk of austerity or managed decline! Its a sensible plan for growth and improvement under testing circumstances. After the hammering in 2019 you would think people might be more realistic and understand the situation we find ourselves but it seems some still live on a different planet.
If you think the best thing we can hope for is Labour c2010 then good luck to you. I wasn't really up for it then, and I'm certainly not now.
I don't. But I'm pretty pleased that Starmer is trying to get some experience of government around him. Compare & contrast that to the last three Tory PMs we've had. Chalk and cheese. Shows we've got growns ups waiting. I'll take that as a starting point.
If people like you are interpreting this half-arsed Osbornite austerity as just being 'grown up' then maybe we're in a lot more trouble than even I thought.
Thus should be good. Teach me a trained economist about economics. How do you create growth without investment? How do you recoup the 5 % of GDP lost from leaving the CU and SM without rejoining the CU or SM. ‘Fiscal Rules’ straight jacket you into austerity. It runs the Thatcherite mantra of treating the economy of a fiat currency producing economy like a household one. If you stick to your fiscal rules you cannot grow the economy you are embed austerity at the heart of your economics.
Funhy to watch people saying that Starmer is not a liar then pinning their hopes on him being a liar. Sad but funny. The truth of any political party is that in office they will get less ambitious not more
Still laughing at someone being naive enough to think appointing Liz Kendall is a vote winning master stroke. Liz whose major problem with the coalition austerity policies was that they were too generous to poorly paid workers, the unemployed and disabled people. That Liz Kendall. anyonw who uses the phrase ‘grown ups’ in political discourse is not a serious person.
How did making unfunded policy go for Truss and the economy? Nobody said it will be easy but simply throwing money at it won't fix the problems and extensive borrowing on top of what we already owe won't help.
You've really twisted my post there mate. My point wasn't about policy. My point was about the fact the Labour front bench now has lots of previous governmental experience and I think that's probably a good thing for a party trying to win an election in the next twelve months. I'm also alright with the Tories losing this election v us winning it because Labour and/or the left aren't that good at winning elections in this country. So I'll take one however which way I can.
So what will? I struggle to see what exactly it is that you're offering that the tories aren't. It looks like basically the same economic policies but with a nice friendly smiley face drawn on to make it clear that you're the good guys.
I didn't mean to twist what you said, I just really hate the idea that 'grown up' in politics seems to have become synonymous with 'neoliberal'. I remember the government that I refused to vote for in 2010, and I don't think bringing them back is a good thing. Also, it's not like we're talking electoral all-stars here. These are the experienced governmental operators that got taken to the cleaners by Cameron and Clegg - and with something like 1.5 million fewer votes than Labour got in 2019, if I remember correctly.
I have to query what you said there. “Taken to the cleaners by Cameron and Clegg”? You do realise the coalition only formed after the GE, so “Cameron and Clegg” weren’t together on the ticket, and the coalition formed because the Tories didn’t win a majority. Brown won 258 seats, Cameron 306, which is a hung Parliament. If that defines “taken to the cleaners” and you compare it to 2019, it should be noted that in that election Corbyn won 202 seats and Johnson 365. That pretty much seems like being taken to the cleaners to me. Our voting system means that it is possible, albeit extremely unlikely but possible nevertheless, to win a GE with just 351 votes across the entire country. The fact that this is even possible should, in this day and age, be cause for concern. That it is possible to lose a GE with 10 million votes more than the government is just silly, but I cannot see PR being implemented any time soon. So under the FPTP system, having 1.5 million more votes, but 56 less seats is meaningless, when it comes to the result of the election. The Tories got over 3 million more votes in 2019 than 2010, but crucially 59 extra seats. To win a GE, now that Scotland has been taken over by the SNP, Labour needs to win a lot of seats that are usually won by the Tories, as well as winning all the traditional Labour seats that the Corbyn lost last time. It’s where the additional votes are, rather than how many there are that’s key. My prediction for the next GE is that both the Tory and the Labour vote will be considerably lower, and I cannot see a significant amount moving to the Liberals or the Greens. I think there will be a low turnout, as people turn their backs on both parties and the two party system in general.I suspect Labour will win, but when they get in and see the state of the financial mess they have been left with, it won’t be long before they’ll wish that they hadn’t!