Just making a point on the comment. As for your moral compass I thought it was admirable how you raised your last point. Which was a contradiction of your opening comment. I may be missing summat but that's how I read it. You distanced yourself from it by saying it was sarcastic. ? Yet I'm guessing you thought I/we would see it like that.
Fair enough, perhaps I need a course in communication skills. I'm not a decorated defensive midfielder nor a 300k a week employee.
I'm not in his position - although I do earn a very heathy whack and could probably get even more if I worked in Saudi (I can't verify that - current job listings don't appear to have salary details)., I wouldn't want to ever work in a country that treats women or LGBQT+ people like they do. But even before they get that far, I wouldn't want to work for a country that causes so much pollution, commits war crimes in Yemen *and* stumped up a lot of the cash for Twitter so it could track down people that were critical of the regime *and sentence them to death*. I like the ability to look at myself in a mirror.
Me neither lol. I can count on a hundred hands. misenterpretations of my posts. No offence meant mate. I never try to judge anyone till I know em personally. And definitely not over a 2 minute chat. On a social media
Times have definitely changed. I remember in the 70s when I qualified as an electrical engineer and my Mrs a RGN. We fleetingly mentioned once. working abroad to build a big pot so to speak. I could not contemplate leaving Jump never mind Barnsley or england lol. Human rights weren't at the top of the agenda. (politics were) and didn't get the publicity it does now. I'd be interested to know what the figures are in comparison to then as now. With the effect it has had.
MONEY Get away You got a good job with more pay And you’re OK MONEY It’s a gas Grab that cash with both hands and make a stash New car, caviar 4 star daydream Think I’ll buy myself a football team
I get that. Although the money the Saudis seem to be throwing around is seemingly mind boggling. I'd like to think I would have found it within me to say no though.
aaaargh! 'Correction therapy' hints of S&M ?? -- don't be encouraging SD - ! and to go massively (hopefully !!!) o/t - are there impending nuptials or have I got it wrong ?
Sadio Mane also went to play in Saudi Arabia, just take time to look at where some of his time & money goes and he's done it for years. In what light do we see him?