I was researching when and how the name change came about and that is interesting in itself (at least I thought so!) It happened at the Barnsley St Peter’s Football Club Annual General Meeting held at the headquarters of the club; the Clarence Hotel (by then the headquarters had moved) on 1st May 1897. The first item on the agenda was ‘Change of Title’. A Mr I Fox, in accordance with notice already given, proposed “that the name St Peter’s Football Club’ be changed to the ‘Barnsley Football Club’. Mr Fox explained that the connections to St Peter's Church were no longer as valid, that the club was and had been for some time, the Barnsley Football Club. He said that people across the country who were not acquainted with the club may not easily remember St Peter’s and that removing those words would better represent the town. He went on to say that he did not forget the club’s origins at St Peter’s but also reminded those present that no-one at the church was any longer involved and in fact the curate at St Peter’s was now associated with the Quarry Street club. I'm not familiar with this club but presumably it was a rival club in Barnsley? Attendees were also reminded that some years previously a proposal to change the name to Barnsley Town FC failed but that now was the time to make a change. Following discussion the proposal was seconded but also a counter proposal to leave the name unchanged was proposed. The motions were put to a vote and the name change was carried almost unanimously. Barnsley St Peter’s FC was therefore Barnsley FC with immediate effect.
Quarry Street is between Doncaster Road and Sheffield Road, just a few hundred yards from St Peters so that makes sense. Never heard of a football team with that name though.
As I saw my first game at Oakwell in August 1955, just over 68 years ago, I have now been watching the Reds for just over half of their existence.
I think George Robledo must have started earlier, in view of his pseudonym, and I often chat at half-time to a former Holgate Grammar School teacher who told me recently that he saw his first game at Oakwell in 1938!
N I have no idea where "Yin" came from!! I was sitting inside a London theatre when I posted that. Internet connection perhaps not that good. I've edited it now.
Love historical threads like these. Bizarre that the club hasn't a museum at Oakwell, we only have a small part in the town hall.
[My mam and dad told me that I saw George Robledo play whist a babe in arms, which must be the case as I was only 6 months old when he joined Newcastle United. In any event I have been proud to support the reds all my life and will to my last breath. coyr