Yours was excusable mate. But get thissen a season ticket. And watch Marshy kick on. How long did you get banned for.
You’ve had a melt down, shouting vulgarities at the players for the last 5 minutes of a game in a restricted area youve been given staff access to so you can look after the BBS funded flag. Youve continued this after the game to the point Jordan Williams has got involved. After shaking hands with him the tirade continued as you folded the flag. You’ve done this in full view of press box, club staff, volunteers, referees assessors, directors and their guests. It was so bad a steward was sent to request your staff pass from you. “Quite the melt down” was how I heard it described. Instead of holding your hands up and apologising, showing some contrition, putting it down to a bad day or whatever, you’ve argued about what other fans have had for incidents they been involved in and shown zero humility. You’ve taken no responsibility for your actions and then youve spat your dummy out and stormed out without even finding out what the safety officer was going to do. Presumably he had to issue some sort of ban in the circumstances. Maybe you need to take a step back, calm down and think about your actions?
Gally how dare you we pay our monies we can say what we want. Tykester you come across on here as a good bloke but it does appear in this case you got it wrong. Take Gallys advice apologise, lesson learnt and continue cheering that lads on not swearing at em.
I think this is what's known as the second side to a story. It paints a slightly different picture. If we assume that the truth lies somewhere between the two it suggests that the OP can't really complain at a ban being handed out. Still think he should have hung around and found out how long for, paid his penance and moved on without the flounce.
No not quite. Williams didn't come over to calm me down, he noticed I was booooing at one stage & probably effing and jeffing, on the full time whistle we made eye contact I put my hand out we shook hands had a few words, it wasn't heated, was no swearing, the conversation lasted about 8/10 seconds & shook hands again. The senior steward wanted a photo of me or my pass & said I was being reported for swearing. Yesterday I had a meeting with a club official, he asked me to explain my behaviour I did that, said we all have our moments I was angry at the time & yes I indeed did use some bad language, "If I offended anyone then I apologise it wasn't my intention" He told my I wasn't saying what he wanted to hear & that I had let the club down & I had a privilege position (no I took a job on that no one was prepared to do when Stalrhost could no longer see to the flag & I volunteered, I put a lot of time ,effort & money into looking after that flag, not a thankyou kiss my arse,nothing, that stung a bit) he said I showed no remorse & no guarantee that it wouldn't happen again, then he said to me , "you haven't missed a match so far this season have you" to witch I replied no I haven't, well there is going to be a match ban for you, at that point I switched off went in to my pocked removed my ticket from my wallet, I was very calm, I said here you may as well have this, think that took him a bit by surprise, I stood up & walked out.
To be fair to TM, until you pointed it out to me, I had absolutely no idea of the connection between the school slang term "eppy", and epilepsy. For years I actually thought it was "epic", as in "epic stress".I remember getting absolutely slaughtered at school when I was telling my mates about a prank I'd played on the music teacher. "I locked him in his instrument cupboard, and he had an epic."
So you've decided never to go again over a 1 match ban for acting a knobhead and think he should have been kissing your ar5e instead?
I'm not saying you are a knobhead in general, just that effing and jeffing at players is acting a knobhead. And you specifically say that it stung that they didn't kiss your ar5e.
Oh this "pass" was some kind of staff pass to restricted area. I thought we was on about a season pass. Little details and that