The only thing untoward about it is that despite it being funded and executed by Saudi Arabian nationals it was used as an excuse to kill hundreds of thousands of Iraqis.
I'd flown back from Miami that morning after being over there for 3 weeks seeing the then girlfriend, arrived at Heathrow about 5am, got bus back to Meadowhall and my Dad picked me up and drove us home. Towers fell literally as I put the news on. One of GF's mates was mid air from UK to Miami and her plane was turned around mid atlantic. Rather selfishly, if it had happened a day earlier, I would have been stuck in Florida for a few extra weeks......
I remember watching some conspiracy videos on YouTube many years ago about it. I don’t think there was one. I think there was a lot of complacency when you hear people at the flight school in Florida talk about how these Arab’s came for lessons & weren’t interested in learning how to take off / land & were only interested in flying the plane mid-air.
The explanation around the killing of bin Laden and subsequent burial at sea is highly suspect. As you suggest, capturing him alive would have been far more valuable. I don’t believe for a second that Dr. David Kelly really committed suicide.
Just over 10 years ago I was working in Abu Dhabi. I was open minded but skeptical about the whole affair but as a ex serviceman it did bother me what the hell Norad (the most expensive and extensive defence system on the planet) were doing letting stuff fly around for 2 hours plus after the initial crash. Anyway like most I just dismissed it all, until I started talking to 4 or 5 structural engineers (they built high rises in the middle east) because I obviously knew nothing about their profession. I challenged what they were saying but they told me as a starting point to go away and research the melting point of steel...I did so and over the next week or so they totally schooled me on the physics of building them, the integrity of the buildings and how they could NOT possibly fall at free fall speed (about 11 seconds). Further more fire could also not do the damage, no buildings that were made of steel and concrete have done so in the past nor have they done since. One of the engineers, a massive burley irish man told me his company built the central column in tower 2 and regularly carried out checks....he added if you had slammed 5 aeroplanes into it, it would still be standing now, such was the composition of the central column. I then also had conversations with pilots who also told me that the flight into the pentagon was virtually impossible and that flying straight at over 500 mph below sea level was hard as hell as the density of the air would be too much to keep the plane level (it would pancake and Dutch roll). Then you have the financial side where millions were made in "put options" that morning (obviously insider trading) but was told nothing to see! Anyway all very interesting, fortunately most people have enough to worry about the cost of living and believe anything other than the official govt narrative must be tin foil hat wearing flat earth people.
I don't know the ins and outs of the actual conspiracy theories. But the fact that the political response was the Patriot Act leading to the modern surveillance state, and a foreign war with a country that had nothing to do with the terrorist attack (and was more about securing oil) creates a sense that the event itself was at least a convenient pretext.
I always thought that the towers coming down looked like a demolition job but im not sure what to think.
Sorry but the whole world watched planes being flown into the towers. It's probably the most stark and shocking imagery of my lifetime. Those images were enough to galvanise any reaction the Americans were ever likely to come up with.To think that they thought, oh well we'll blow them up as well for good measure makes absolutely no sense.
Exactly mate, like I’ve said previously I don’t buy into conspiracy theories but it wouldn’t take much to convince me on this one.