Yea that's what I said...they don't do it at 500 mph plus though..military planes can do that stuff (fly at high speed at low level)..just not passenger planes. Look it up...I know I did. Here's some info... Also landing and take off speed is around 150mph, thats ground speed not air speed.
Well if someone on Quora says it that's me convinced... It wasn't flying at 500mph+ and here's a more detailed assessment -
Yea...that's the pentagon one . I was talking of the twin towers i think the official govt speeds were recorded at 485 mph and 586 mph respectively....there or there abouts. The pentagon flight was amazing...I think the pilot came down from over 30,000 feet doing a 280 degree turn pulling 2 to 3 gs land on the back of the pentagon! The guy that flew it, named by the govt (was it Hani Hanour?)....had just passed a single prop airplane course a few months earlier and the pilot passing him described him as poor!
But here's the thing - he probably was poor in terms of making a controlled flight, lining up with a narrow strip of tarmac/concrete and making a controlled, gentle descent to a landing. But he wasn't doing that. He just needed to turn the plane in roughly the right direction and fly the bloody thing into a fairly large target at whatever speed he could. My daughter has never sat behind the wheel of a car. I have no doubt when she learns to drive she'll stall, swerve and everything else that happens when learning. And the instructor will no doubt say she's nowt special at driving. However, if I asked her to smash my car through the living room wall of the guy at the top of our street with the annoying dogs I'm pretty sure she could manage it to some degree.
Hey Mansfield.... Your 'wish' is my command. I'll leave all the detailed technical analysis to the 3,657 experts in structural engineering and architecture (see attachments) but suffice to say that the buildings were all brought down by controlled thermite detonations inside the buildings. The thermite was allegedly planted around the central lift shafts in the week leading up to 9/11 by Israeli Mossad operatives with full knowledge and cooperation of the presiding US Administration. The Pentagon was hit by a missile, not a plane, as can clearly be observed in video footage of the incident. The Pentagon attack was largely done as a cover up for the $2.3 Trillion dollars that Donald Rumsfeld admitted they were 'unable to track' at an event for the Department of Defense’s 'Acquisition and Logistics Excellence Week' on the day prior to the attack. Oh, and there were no actual planes involved in the destruction of any of the buildings. Until next time.....
Yea I think I saw some pilot saying it was entirely possibly for a novice pilot to move codes and jump into a passenger airoplane (was it a 737?) and do the necessary. However I heard other reports saying that they had 4 or 5 of the most experienced pilots at united airlines (i think united) and only a couple managed it and it took around 10 attempts in the simulator. The degree of difficulty was described by one pilot was the same as passing your car driving test....then jumping into a HGV and reversing into a garage at 60 mph with 2 feet of space either side....totally possible.... just highly improbable.
As far as I can remember the U.S were repeatedly told about a possible terrorist attack but due to their arrogance(nobody would dare attack America) the threat wasn't taken seriously. In one other instance a young Muslim school boy was on day staring out at the twin towers, Teacher what he was staring at he replied, the twin towers, this time next week they'll not be there. This was corroborated by the C.I.A or F.B.I I do believe.
Anybody with any doubts of the legitimacy of the 9/11 attacks should visit ground zero, then come back & tell me it was an inside job! Absolutely harrowing experience to say the least!
I would love someone (in authority) to really explain how, two, 1362 ft and 1730 ft buildings, 110 floors tall and with 200 000 tones of steel and 425,000 cubic yds of concrete fell to the floor at around 11 seconds....oh and for it to fall on its own imprint. It really does interest me...I've listened to both sides (the structural engineers in the middle east were more convincing)..I mean the planes hit around a third of the way down from the top (90th floor plus) being generous how does any explosion at 20 % from the top bring down 80% of the building? Ignoring the central column and the support column in each corner. Basic physics went bye bye that day...just doesn't compute. Wouldn't the forces of 80% outweigh the 20%? I think I saw some experiments carried out by structural engineers and the best scenario was the building falling 10 to 15 floors due to the resistance of concrete/ steel structure underneath. For them to fall like they did would mean no resistance underneath....impossible. Then we have tower 7....official verdict was demolished by fire...the university of Alaska completed a 5 year study in 2019 that concluded that it DID NOT collapse due to fire. Again it collapses into its own footprint at near free fall speed!...Only 47 stories tall mind! Just wow! Interesting eh?
On balance I probably don't think it was an inside job, but I don't see how ground zero being a harrowing experience makes any difference! The CIA alone have done much, much worse than that, before we even get to the various atrocities committed by governments all over the world and throughout history.
The CIA have done much, much worse. Undermined and colluded in getting rid of freely elected governments around the world, enabled dictators like Pinochet in killing untold numbers of people. But to do this to their own people? If they had done it and it ever got out it would bring the US to the point of self destruction and they would have known that. I could believe the towers were also mined by terrorists and there's nothing that makes me remotely believe the planes weren't flown by terrorists. But by someone within the US government. Nope. People have been watching too many spy films.
.The new conspiracy theory is that Putins dead an his body double has taken over, now that i can believe.
I'm going there in 10 days. To be honest its one of those events in life I have avoided recollecting over the years because of some of the harrowing images from the day. So I'm not sure how i will feel being in the place it all happened. Like many normal people, I find all the theorists who feel that everything in this world has to be a conspiracy, and spout BS all the time totally disrespectful to the people and families effected. I went up the towers many years ago and they were such massive structures I still find it shocking to think that the buildings and many peoples lives were destroyed by those deranged individuals.
I know I shouldn’t ask this but…what happened to the planes that everyone saw fly into the buildings…all the people on board said planes…all the phone calls to loved ones from said planes?
The details and evidence of it actually happening are sketchy at best with references to a police/FBI report but I can't find said report. What apparently happened was that a young American boy with Pakistani parents made the comment and claimed to have been joking. His teacher considered it an off the cuff comment too. It's a bit far fetched to think that an American Pakistani schoolkid knew what a group of Saudis, Egyptians and Lebanese people who didnt live in the same continent as him were going to do