No, just that you acted like a knobhead for 30 seconds or so. No idea what you're like the rest of the time. Might be the nicest person in the world for all I know.
I think the point he's trying to make is that you're not a knob head, you just acted like one in the moment. Kind of like when your kids answer back or play up - they're not necessarily bad kids, they're just acting bad in the moment
Not sure. maybe just to let folk know what's going on, a good owd moan, we all like a good moan, but overall a dunno. does there have to be a reason?
I will stick up for the tykster - long time supporter - he stepped up to manage the Preedy Flag - did a good job. (sadly no good deed goes unpunished.!) Was he right to 'eff and jeff' - of course not. Was the club official right to admonish him - yes. But what on earth is the point of a one match suspension. Do these match officials not hear the racist chanting and the effing and jeffing that happens at most matches ??? Why are they so impotent when that happens?
The difference is he was doing so in an area that only club staff are able to access. At that point to any observer he's a club employee and representing the club. I can see how it's worthy of more of a punishment.
I have a hunch that if the meeting had gone differently there probably wouldn't have been any suspension.
I have to say there's some f***ing idiots that have posted on here over time but I've never considered thetykester one of them. Always comes across as a decent bloke. It sounds like you did lose it a bit at the match though tykester. We all lose it now and again. Take a step back mate, bite the bullet and get yourself back to Oakwell.
To me it seems like the club realise you’re a loyal supporter and an all round good egg who had a bit of a wobble but they had to be seen to be doing something about it so it was a case of just take a 1 match ban and let’s put the episode behind us,
Certainly not taking sides. But one thing you learn as a shop steward. It pays to hear both sides. And not take one sides as gospel. A mediator would have sorted this one amicably. when you have 2 sides entrenched in their argument. No chance, often leading to no winners. Eg Tykester has fell out of love with the club. And the club has lost a fan. I am aware of Bazza's case in the main and understand the reason of his enthusiasm for the incident, But also the rules of the club. Sometimes rules can be bent and common sense prevails.
Am I the weird one? I honestly can't think of anything that could happen in a football match that would make me mad enough to hurl profanity and abuse at players unless Herbie Kane decided to **** off the referee in the centre circle when we were 37-1 down and every goal was a penalty.