I don't think anyone has doubted Jalo. My worry is that the club won't develop him properly. He really should be starting to make some strides forward this season. I get the wrapping in cotton wool bit but I think he turns 18 this season and there's plenty of players who are impacting senior football at that age. The pressure on managers for instant success is now such that youngsters are left too long in the shadows while oven ready strikers are preferred.
Collins has made a statement. at more game time for Jalo and Marsh for that matter. It's in the chron. Part of the reason to send out Shaw and Dallas on loan.
It's also worth pointing out that fans are equally to blame. If Collins had said last month that we weren't bringing in another main striker but we're going to bring Jalo through I think there'd have been hell on from some who wouldn't want to wait six months for him to settle in. I think with Jalo, with what little bits I've seen and what I've read about him and where he's at with Portugal if we bring him through right he could be a very big player for us and, though we may not like the thought, eventually be sold for a shed load of money.