..anyone still think this is a proper weird one? Touted about as being the best thing since sliced bread to come out of the Conference, apparently a failed medical and nothing since, loads of clubs being linked with him in the summer to still not having a club in September? Has his agent royally ****** up here?
Can only presume medical checks uncovered something nobody was aware of prior, now its become common knowledge clubs aren't willing to risk signing a potential issue. Hats off to our medical team looks like we dodged a bullet with this one.
Would’ve thought that Halifax may have taken him back, even for a few months to see how he gets on? They loved him there last season.
I'm presuming it was a combination of all the teams finding out there was something untoward on his medical, plus his agent/himself was asking for too much on wages due to his initial high demand.
Hypothetical question - if a player was to fail a drugs test does the club or EFL have to make it public?? Not saying he has, just curious.
Performance enhancing or recreational? - I believe in both cases the club(s) and player(s) involved have been named in the past. But those were mostly players who would normally have been picked for the next game so there had to be publicity to explain the absence. As a follow-up question, do out-of-contract players get random drug tests, or is it just contracted players?
Coke Palmer mysteriously dropped out of the City reckoning for 6 months at a time on a few occasions.
My mate is a Halifax Season Ticket holder, he suggested that he was absolutely terrible, even in Non League. He said we'd dodged a bullet and he hasn't heard anything about him since.
Happy we got Jack Shepherd instead, as well as all the other lads that so many on here said were non-league or lower-league rubbish
Their head coach said a few weeks back he would be welcomed back if he he couldn't get fixed up. But that's not happened..so it does look like, for whatever reason, he's too hot to handle right now. Plus.. on medicals, all players are insured, because they've cost money and are an asset. They would want to see all medical information on a player before agreeing to insure.. They could also scupper any deal by refusing or wanting such an amount that any deal would also be pointless.
Aye, I bumped into a mate who supports Halifax a few weeks ago, and he said he was surprised there was football league interest in him. He found it bizarre that he'd not found a club though after being touted about like he was.
Not sure that's true, is it? I seem to remember that question being asked in the past about insuring players and I thought that the answer was it wasn't cost-effective and didn't actually happen. I'd guess, given the number of clubs that turned him down, it was an issue that arose in the medical. Obviously, clubs don't throw players under the bus by announcing this is the case.
Presumably, either it's something that even Halifax weren't aware of, or he doesn't want to go back with his tail between his legs. He might still back himself to get a league club. Very odd situation though as you say.
Looks like he isn't the only one... https://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/premier-league-failed-drugs-test-26730023
I listened to a podcast which had Mike Phenix as a guest (remember him?), and he claimed he was made an example of by the FA. He believed he was the first non league player to be tested, and was subsequently banned for 6 years from all football stadiums in the country for testing positive for a substance which he said actually hindered his performance. He believed there was some sort of conspiracy, and that he'd had the book thrown at him unfairly. I'd say he's probably justified if you read that. It's here if anyone wants a listen. https://www.buzzsprout.com/276982/1358830-mike-phenix-rise-of-the-phenix
Or.... https://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/sport/ex-southport-player-banned-football-16316154 https://www.bbc.com/sport/football/48368414
Football is surely the last of the big sports not to be dragged over the coals in a massive fashion for covering up failed drugs tests. Don't kill the sacred cow. Too much money to be made or lost.