After his last statement, fans (in general) believed him over Moore. Same with us really, people tend to believe those currently at your own club rather than those who've left. That said, there is probably truth on both sides and in reality, we know fk all. However, I think their chairman is a complete....
Chansri not straight when he's laid down. He of course has previous, with dodgy accountancy, dodgy companies and ghost companies, to try disguise the clubs tax situation, resulting in bans from signing players etc etc. Heard a couple of chairman say he is not a nice person or trustworthy. The fans will of course choose their truths and who they wish to back.
**** Sheffield Wednesday. Darren Moore is a decent guy. I've nothing positive to say about Wednesday otherwise. I played in Crookes on Saturday night. Nice folks. Sheffield music is cool. Fin.
If indeed Darren has pushed to be the highest paid at the club. I think that's rather unusual. He's probably shot himself in the foot a little. I've not heard his name banded about in other club circles. But then again i suppose the silly season hasn't fully kicked in yet, with the managerial merry go round.
I'm a bit surprised as well if there's any truth in it. Did Daz Moore get a little bit greedy and want X amount more, for bringing them up to the Championship. Maybe he deserved it, but it depends on whether he wanted 'too much'.
No speculation needed. Wednesday are poorly run. They have been trying to ride big debts for years. They have just sacked, yes sacked, a good manager who many Owls racially abused. Many in the fan base think there is some god-given right to be in the Super League. The squad is bloated and old. IF they go down this season there will be big financial and administration consequences. The Wembley fluke/cheat obscured some issues in the short term but the issues remain and the owner can't deal with them in an effective way. Currently a basket case club. Should already be in L2 if not lower.
Is it only me who doesn't believe for one second that a man who was regularly booed by his own fans, who radio Sheffield presenters were openly saying needed sacking even if they went up just a couple of weeks prior to promotion and who only just scraped a victory in the final second of a game against lowly 10 man barnsley due to two very poor refereeing decisions would go to the owner of the club and demand a massive pay rise way above his promotion clause? Its far far more likely in my eyes that he would quit after being told he can't Improve the squad
I've read it, and he says that Moore was being unreasonable, but Moore says differently of course. Its a sad case of one word against another, and somebody might be just making it up as he goes along. We can choose who we want to believe, and I'm sure the majority of fans would choose Moore.
Sadly Chansri is the epitome of deluded, he truly believes that his rank and file Dee Dar cash cow supporters will swollow this pile of crap. A choice between Moore who most of us respect from his playing days and Wendy's own Hans Christian Anderson, hmmmm let mi think.
I started reading it and got bored Chanrasi needs to have a word with @Bossman about how to write statements In any case i find it hard to believe Chanrasi's version of events. Everything I've seen about Moore makes me think is he is a decent honest guy so if one version of events contradicts another I know which one I am inclined to believe